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First of all, don't come for me with the spelling mistakes I don't write these chapters till 3 am usually but not today so hopefully, it will be better in this chapter. Feel free to call me out on any spelling grammatical errors but I am sure my younger sister will already of done most of that work for you. So while I will fail my English exams I'm sure she will succeed at her SATS *eye-roll emoji that I can't find because I am on my computer* sorry not mine hers whatever...

I wake up with a start snapping my eyes open sensing I was in an unfamiliar environment, my head was pounding I needed a drink of water before I throw up. Last night was a bit of a haze I couldn't remember much except from... SHIT LAST NIGHT! Fuck fuck fuck what happened last night? I took a deep breath in trying to stop myself from having a full-blown panic attack. Wait. What is that smell? Apple, peppermint, and cologne? MALFOY? Nope this was not happening. As in only just clocking where I was I looked around the room my vision slightly blurring from my pounding headache, I was in his room. I quickly peer under the covers, okay clothes on check but his clothes were on the ground. I ran over to the bathroom pounding on the door for Malfoy to open it I was pretty certain he was in the shower but I was about to throw up. He needs to open this door up right now before I throw up on his owl.

"Malfoy open this door right fucking now" I shout. The door swings open and he saunters out in nothing but a towel wrapped tightly just below his v line. Fuck could he put it any lower if he tried. I probably would have studied his body for longer but I lowered my gaze pushing past him running over to the toilet before finally throwing up in it. I turned to face Malfoy before slowly whispering.

"what the fuck did we do?"

24 hours beforehand

His eyes whipped back around to me his fists clenching around the cutlery he was using to eat with. He didn't utter one single word instead slamming his fists down onto the table causing the plates and glasses to shudder at the sudden impact. He quickly stood up and stepping out of his chair grabbing me roughly by the shoulder and hauling me out of my chair as well causing me to drop my food onto the table in fright.
He was scaring me. I thought he might of shouted or stormed out but not this.

"Draco I- what are you doing?" I hissed peering around the room to now realise that everyone had turned to face us the room hushing at the sound of him slamming his hands on the table. For a few seconds nothing happened. It seemed like everyone was holding there breath in anticipation wondering what he would do next. My heart was pounding in my chest but I couldn't break eye contact his eyes were to entrancing. They were laced with anger and hatred but for some reason this turned me on.

He grabbed my wrist storming out of the hall wanting to get away from all the prying eyes dragging me closely behind him. I stumbled after him embarrassed by the way everyone's eyes were following our every movement. We left the hall leaving the stunned crowd behind us. I thought we might of stopped here but he dragged for another minute or so winding round corners and twists until we finally came to a stop and he pushed me into an entrance of what looked like an abandoned toilet. I wasn't concentrated on the boy in front of me more stuck in my own mind wondering how I would ever get away from here, I would surly get lost if I tried to run now.

I turned around to face him my back against one of the few cold sinks that were situated at the opposite end of the room from where he was standing. He stormed his way over to me as if he was about to kill me. I closed my eyes ready for whatever was about to come. All because I called him a ferret. Technically I was calling him skinny and blonde but whatever.

I could hear his footsteps echoing around the room as they came closer and closer to me. I squeezed my eyes shut hoping they would help with the pain if he was going to strike me or hurt me but then it happened.

Dare ( draco x reader) (18+)Where stories live. Discover now