Who gets you a gift for the holiday?

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Aries- Slenderman in hopes that it will help you

Taurus- Masky in hopes that you'll hangout with him more even though he doesn't like Toby as much

Gemini- Jane the killer in hopes that you two can work together more in the future.

Cancer- Ticci Toby in hopes to go on more missions with you

Leo- Bloody Painter in hopes of easing any tensions before the new year

Virgo- Jeff the killer in hopes of living without being judged for awhile

Libra- Nurse Ann in hopes of you and her trusting eachother a bit more.

Scorpio- Eyeless Jack in hopes that you and him can start to hang out without you possibly getting grossed out by his eating habits.

Sagittarius- Laughing Jack in hopes to see how you kill and see if you two would be a good duo.

Capricorn- BEN in hopes of getting to know you better for possible assistance in the future. Pranks and more are included.

Aquarius- Dark Link in hopes of gaining another person to taunt along with someone to talk to (but he won't admit that).

Pisces- Hoodie in hopes of being able to enjoy some quality time with you without interruptions (naps and venting, get your head out of the gutter)

Authors note!

I do apologise for not updating in a massive amount of time but good news! I've been working on my degree for elementary education and almost have my AA! Whoo! Anyways, I will try to be more active but I thank you all for being patient with me and liking this book!

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