I fixed my hair. "Well, as far as I can see, I'll have to wait until the oceans dry before he starts lightening up." 


I tried covering my ears with my pillow over my head. You'd think sleeping with Eustace for almost two years would get me used to his snoring . . . Oh, scratch that, it sounds like a whole engine.

I threw a pillow across the room and it landed on his face, but he didn't budge.

"Eustace," I whispered "Eustace!"

He groaned, faced the other direction, and continued snoring. 

I sighed in annoyance. I got up, took three of my pillows, and started bombing his bed with the pillows.

He snorted and stood up, when he saw me and said "S—Stop it! Stop it or I'll tell mother!"

I looked around. "Go ahead." and left the room.

It had to be my room I shared. They could've let him sleep in Peter's old bedroom, or Susan's, or Y/N—

Y/N's bedroom.

I walked to her bedroom door, or the old one, at least. Memories of our first voyage made me smile.

"You miss her?" said a voice behind me. 

"Oliver? What are you doing here." I asked as I marched up to him.

"I was on my way to Lucy's!" he answered. 

"Lucy, huh?" I leaned in. "If you make a second child while Luia--" 

"For Aslan's sake, Ed! She just got here! You all did! Give me a break, would you?"

I took a deep breath. "I'm . . . I'm just not in the best position right now."

I walked over to the bed and sat down. "We barely spent any time together . . ."

Oliver walked beside me and sat on the bed.

"Edmund, I get how this feels. I haven't seen Lucy in three years. Plus, Luia is missing. Things haven't been the best for me either."

I started to feel bad for Oliver. Imagine not seeing Y/N for three years . . . well, now that I think about it, it might've as well have been not seeing her because of her studies.

Oliver pat my back. "Just believe you'll see her again."

"Belief?" I chuckled.

"It's what I've been doing for three years. And it worked, didn't it? Now, I'm just waiting for Luia."

Oliver's situation could never be compared to mine. I can't imagine how he felt all this time. Lucy gone. Luia gone.

I looked at him. "You'll find her."

Oliver's face dropped. He sighed and looked back at me. "I know I will."

"You mean we, Darling." said another voice by the door. It was Lucy and she had a bittersweet smile on her face.

She walked over and sat in between us.

Oliver wrapped his arm around her waist and Lucy placed her arm on his shoulder.

She looked at me, about to place her arm on my shoulder too, when I dodged it.

"What do you think your doing?" I said as I raised my eyebrow.

"Oh, shush up, Ed. We know you need it. We all do.

I hesitantly joined the cheesy hug, but it was kind of nice.

"It's a tough time, but Aslan will help us." she said with a hopeful smile.


I woke up drenched in sweat. I was back home, but not in Narnia.

It was all a dream . . .

I stood up and changed into some new nightgowns. I went down to the kitchen to get some water. The cool air escaped the refrigerator and I breathed it in, feeling refreshed inside.

After cooling myself up, I was about to go back to bed until the moon caught my attention. So simple yet so beautiful. But, a certain figure beneath the trees caught my attention.

I moved closer to the glass panes of the door. "A--Aslan?"

It was a lion . . . Not just any lion, though. Anyone who's been to Narnia could tell it was Aslan.

The powerful lion gave me a soft nod before gently blowing onto the clear door from which I was looking through.

The two glass doors gently opened and quickly shut right in my face and for a moment, only darkness surrounded me.

I opened the doors, but the moment I touched the doorknob, I noticed something was different. The doors opened and I walked in . . . Or out. I stepped out of the closet from which Edmund, Peter, Lucy, and I first discovered Narnia. I looked back, and saw only cloaks and coats of different cloths and patterns. Nothing had changed. I was back in the country home.

Just then, I head multiple footsteps running towards the door.

It was Edmund, only not the same Edmund I saw last time, but Edmund as a child. He was the same age as when we first discovered Narnia.

"Edmund?" I asked. "What happened to--"

He ran right through me. Not past--he ran through me. I shuddered. I felt like a ghost. I looked at my hands. My whole figure was covered in some kind of blue aura, I could see through my whole body, and even put my hand right through.

Lucy then ran inside, but young Lucy. Followed by Peter, but only young Peter, then . . . Young me. They all ran through me which started to make me feel nauseated. I called out each of their names, but they couldn't hear me.

"Come on!" Insisted young Edmund as he gestured to the closet.

"You have got to be joking" commented . . . Well, me . . . Young me.

Loud knocks could then be heard from the other side of the door.

All four of them--or us--ran to the closet. I decided to follow behind.

While the young four were talking in the snow, I noticed a little girl hiding behind the trees. I could only see the back of her head; however, she looked very familiar. She observed for a while, then she scampered off . . . With me on her trail.

She ran to the frozen riverbank. I was about to question why it was frozen, until I remembered the time frame. This was during the reign of the White Witch.
With her back turned, she kneeled beside the frozen river and spoke.

"Hello, mother." she said in a light tone.

"My child, have you found them? The Kings and Queens of old?" said a raspy, whispering voice from the riverbank.

"I have, mother." She replied. "But, they don't look like kings and queens. They only look like four children . . . Like me!"

I slowly walked closer to see who it was.

The mysterious voice scoffed in alert. "Who's there?" She asked in a defensive tone.

The little girl turned around to see who it was. She didn't see me, but I saw who she was . . .

It was Valerie.

Split Thy Soul (Edmund x Reader II)Where stories live. Discover now