Chapter 1

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okay so here's the first chapter!!! i hope you like it everyone :) please please please comment :) it starts out in Darcy's POV, just so you know :) ENJOY <3

            “Thanks for the ride,” Emma chirped as she hopped out of the backseat of the car and starting to walk up to our high school.

            I looked over at my dad sitting in the driver’s seat. I gave him a hug goodbye.

            “I love you, Darcy,” he whispered right above my ear. I pulled back and grabbed my backpack. “Have a good day at school.”

            “I’ll try,” I huffed and opened the passenger’s seat door and stepped out. I waved a little bit before I turned around and jogged to catch up with my sister. “Hey,” I breathed out and slowed my pace to the same as hers.

            “I really don’t want to be here right now,” she mumbled as we walked up the small set of stairs and into the front door of the school. Kids were sitting in front of lockers and I tried not to make eye contact with any of the guys because most of them were creeps. I had no idea why the girls who considered themselves popular even hung out with them. I mean, we were all freshman. We weren’t even considered cool at all, none of us were. 

            “But you get to see Leo.” I nudged my sister in her side and she pushed me a little bit. I saw her eyes roll a little bit.

            “Shut up, I don’t like him…” Emma insisted. “We’re just friends.”

            “Alright then,” I said, pushing the staircase door open and starting up to the third floor.

            “Yeah,” Emma mumbled, gripping onto her lavender colored backpack. Hey gray TOMS hit each step somewhat forcefully and I tried not to start cracking up. I just loved annoying her about Leo because she always got so pissed off. She hated to admit she had feelings for him, but to be honest, it was so obvious. A blind person would be able to tell she liked Leo.

            We made it to the third floor and walked into the hallway, making a right to our lockers that were next to each other. We were mostly quiet, just unlocking our locks and opening our lockers. I wasn’t really thinking about anything in particular. Maybe just my first period class. I had band, and I really was not in the mood to play the flute right now…

            “Hey Darcy,” a voice said from behind me. I spun around and smiled at Javaad walking by. I tried to give him a cute wave, but it probably looked stupid.

            “Hey,” I breathed, but realized he probably couldn’t hear me. He turned the corner and I spun around and put my hand on Emma’s shoulder. “That boy is so fine.” I let my head fall back a little bit and let out a sigh. He was perfect.

            “Oh, you’re in love with Javaad? Wait until I tell Uncle Zayn…” Emma smirked at me and closed her locker.

            “I’m not in love with him. It’s just… I’m in love with his face… and his body… and his hair… and everything about him…”

            “Yep, you’re totally not in love with him.” My sister laughed a little bit and slung her backpack over her shoulder again.

            “Emma he is so hot… Oh my god, I would do anything with that boy…”

            Emma laughed. “Wow Darce, I never knew you had such intense feelings for him. You obviously love him with a burning passion.”

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