Chapter 25

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hey!! this is a quick upload because i have soccer practice soon, so ENJOY <3


            That weekend, my family and I were going to Uncle Zayn and Aunt Camille’s house for dinner. Darcy was making a huge deal out of it just because she didn’t want to go. She was being completely ridiculous though. As I walked downstairs from my bedroom, she and Dad were having an argument in the kitchen.

            “I just don’t want to go! Why are you making me?”

            “It’s rude, Darcy, Zayn invited us to come over for dinner, so that means that we all have to go. Stop being a brat and go get ready.”

            I decided to not walk into the kitchen, so I stood in the foyer, waiting for my mom to come downstairs.

            “Dad, Javaad literally hates me, I don’t want to even face him!”

            “I don’t care if he hates you, you’re being over-dramatic. You don’t have to talk to him then, stay with your sister. You’re coming, even if I have to pick you up and carry you outside to my car.”

            I heard Darcy groan and she stomped into the foyer. I stepped back as she ran upstairs, passing Mom on the way up. I distracted myself with my phone and I saw my dad walk into the foyer out of my peripheral vision. He whispered something to my mom, but I didn’t completely hear what he said.

            “Em, go wait in the car,” my dad told me.

            “I’m going to go see what Darcy is up to,” I told him instead and I walked past them and started upstairs.

            I walked down the hallway and pushed through Darcy’s bedroom door. She was pulling a turquoise button-up shirt over a white cami when I stepped inside.

            “What’s up?”

            “I don’t feel like talking.”

            “We’re leaving soon,” I told her, crossing my feet over each other.

            “I don’t want to go, but Dad’s forcing me too…”

            “It’s not that big a deal, Darce…”

            “Em, Javaad hates me. Literally.”

            I shrugged and looked at the floor. “Well…”

            “Well what?” she pressed, getting the top button done on her shirt.

            “Do you want my honest opinion on what you’re doing?” I asked, deciding not to bullshit her. Javaad had every reason to hate her.

            “Yes, I’d love to hear it,” she replied sarcastically, crossing her arms over her chest.

            “I honestly think you’re acting like a slut.” Darcy’s jaw dropped, but I continued. “Come on, you basically hooked up with Beau, then Javaad broke up with you, you were crying over it for a couple days after, then you were like, ‘Oh, I might as well go out with Beau to make Javaad jealous.’ That’s just not right. You don’t go out with your ex-boyfriend’s best friend. I even told you to stay away from him, but you didn’t listen to me. I don’t even feel bad for you anymore, Darce. I tried to help you, but you just did this all to yourself. Javaad has every reason not to like you anymore, so you should stop complaining about it and accept that this is all your fault. That’s all I’m going to tell you.”

My Heart's Song (Sequel to Forever and Always)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant