𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐

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"What the hell are you guys doing here?" Suna asked tiredly, a hint of annoyance appearing in his voice. "Aww come on don't be like that Suna" the familiar voice said.

As Suna approached them, Akira could see 3 boys standing near his car. Two of which, were the Miya twins. The third boy remained a mystery to Akira, he had a stern look on his face and crossed arms. Akira eyed his hair which was all white with black tips, a look Akira thought looked nice on him. His golden brown eyes never leaving Suna.

"Shut the hell up piss head" Suna snapped, causing Atsumu to have an over the top reaction. "Don't let him talk to me like that Samu!!" he demanded, turning his head to face his twin who was simply enjoying the argument.

"Suna-san you can't be missing practice anymore, so please tell your girlfriend that you'll see her later" the white haired boy said, averting his gaze to meet Akira's. "I am not his girlfriend" Akira corrected, a slightly disgusted look appearing on her face. "I was just giving her a ride home since it's raining Kita-san" Suna replied with a cold tone. "Well I'll have one of the twins take her instead, you need to be here for practice, nationals are coming up very soon and you're not ready" Kita calmly stated, Suna simply rolled his eyes. Akira was startled by his blunt nature, however, she didn't really care who took her home as long as it wasn't Atsumu.

"Wait practice for what?" Akira instinctively blurted out, causing Atsumu to have a shocked face. "Volleyball," Suna replied blankly, "I'm a middle bloc-" he tried to get out before being abruptly interrupted by Atsumu. "YOU'VE NEVER HEARD OF THE INARIZAKI VOLLEYBALL TEAM???" he practically yelled. "Shut up Tsumu" Osamu sneered, punching his twin in the arm. "Uh no sorry.." Akira replied as she rubbed her neck out of embarrassment. "Pft pathetic" Atsumu mumbled as he rolled his eyes. "So which one of you is going to take..wait I apologize I never got your name" Kita said. "Suzuki Akira, but you can just call me Akira" she said, reaching out her hand to the third year, "Kita Shinsuke" he replied. "So which one of you is going to take Akira-san home?" Kita asked as he turned to face the twins. 

"I can take her home" Osamu said, Atsumu's eyes widening as he heard his brother's offer. A smirk appearing on his face as he started to get ideas. "Well then it's settled, Suna-san, Atsumu-san, please follow me to the gym" Kita said as he began to walk away.

Akira started to walk away when all of the sudden she heard someone calling her name, "wait, Akira" Suna called as he grabbed her wrist, causing Akira to almost fall backwards.

As Suna took hold of her wrist, he spun her around so the two's faces were inches apart. As Akira opened her mouth to ask Suna what he was doing, he moved so that his mouth was centimeters away from her ear. "Here" he said in his deep tired voice. As Akira looked down, she realized he placed a piece of paper in her hand. "Suna wh-" she began before she was cut off by him once again. "Call me later" he said, a smirk forming on his face as he quickly jogged away to meet up with Kita and Atsumu.

Akira unwrapped the small piece of paper to see Suna's number written on it in red pen. "Ah shit" she muttered to herself as she realized her face was warm. "Why is this happening to me... I don't even like him ugh I just wanna go home"  Akira thought to herself as she made her way over to Osamu who was still standing in front of her.

As Akira and Osamu began walking towards the car Osamu decided to break the silence between them. "So what's with you and Suna?" he asked, turning to face Akira, who's face was now turning a light shade of red. "Uh nothing, we just met today" she replied, attempting to change the topic. "So what class are you-" she started before being interrupted, "doesn't seem like nothing to me" Osamu said, a smirk forming on his face. "You got a problem with that then?" Akira snapped, stopping to face Osamu who now had a concerned look on his face.

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