Chapter 3: DETENTION

Start from the beginning

K: All the more reason. I promised you that I'd walk to you to your first day of high school.

"We said we'd figure it out, you skipping your last first day is not us figuring it out. I'm fine, promise. "

K: (P/N), do you honestly believe I'll let him get away with this? Do you think I'd leave you to be crying by yourself? You cried. You haven't done that since -

"Since you told me you loved me."

K: It's been a year.

"I know."

K: You understand that you're allowed to cry. You're allowed to feel hurt. It's not good to repress those emotions.

"I know, but the thing is, I'm not sad anymore. It's over now. It's time to move on and if I keep focusing on yesterday or even an hour ago, I'll never be able to move on and what's the use in that."

K: You don't need memories, I know.

"Already living up to my school motto."

K: You're allowed to want things, you know. It wouldn't be a burden if I came. I know that's what you're worried about, but I need you to know that I want to be there too.

"Tetsu, I'm alright. I promise and it's all because of you."


K: Huh? I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you cry. You don't have to say it back, you don't even have to respond, I just.. I just wanted to tell you. I thought it was time. I want you to be able to lean on me...not because I'm your friend or even you're boyfriend, but because I love you. So burden me, take the weight of the world off your shoulders and put it all on mine. I'll be strong enough for the both of us (Y/N), I promise.

"I'm so sorry. I don't.. I don't know why I'm crying. You didn't.. you didn't do or say anything wrong so why, why the hell am I crying?" I aggressively wiped my tears as they continuously poured out. They wouldn't stop, but this time when I tried to rub my eyes again Tetsuro's hands caught mine. He pulled up against his chest and held me as I sobbed into it.

K: For a star to be born there is only one thing that must happen, a gaseous nebula must collapse. So that's it princess. Let it out. Collapse, crumble because this is not your destruction or any type of weakness. Let all the pain out so that you can be free of it. This your birth.

After I finished crying, I felt like something had been released. Maybe it was the pressure of being perfect, maybe it was all the repressed trauma, but I knew as long as I was in Tetsuro's arms that I would be alright. "Tetsuro"

K: Feeling better?

"I love you too." Tetsuro started to lean down. " WAIT. What are you doing?"

K: Well I was about to kiss the love of my life.

"NO, I'm a mess and I have snot on my sleeve and can we just redo this. Oh god. Let's do this again tomorrow! Yeah tomorrow! That sounds like a good plan! I'll wear a dress and -" Tetsuro's chuckle cut me off and forced me to look up. "Hey! This isn't -" Tetsuro had placed a kiss on my lips. It was soft and it was gentle, but it was so full of love. When he pulled away and rested his forehead on mine, he caressed my check and whispered

K: This was perfect. I wouldn't want to redo a single moment of it. I love you (Y/N) Kurosu.

"I love you too Tetsuro Kuroo."


"You've been the only person I could ever be myself with. You've accepted every part of me without question and you've been the only one I could cry in front of since sixth grade. I love you. I have for a long time. I'm not really sure if I remember a time when I didn't, but I don't think I want to either. Thank you for allowing me to be selfish with you, thank you for loving me despite it. Thank you for letting me be weak with you; it's because of that that I know I'll be okay. I'll be fine tomorrow, I won't give him the satisfaction. And if that means avoiding the entire volleyball team and Mia than so be it. It's only one semester, I'll be back in Tokyo before you know it. You've been strong enough for the both of us, it's my turn now."

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