Chapter 21 (Practice)

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Nina POV

The Enchanted Ball is coming soon, I'm still not sure if I'm going alone. Draco has not mentioned it & if he did I wouldn't know what to say. Today was a Saturday no school, Professor McGongall arranged a meeting for just the Gryffindors in a empty room.

"Let's practice are dances for the ball, pair up!" Professor McGongall explained to us, the ball was on Friday & none of us don't have a clue on how to dance.

All the girls stood up immediately, all the boys to cool to stand. But Professor McGongall put them in check. Harry going with Ginny, Ron with Hermione my closets friends were all taken except for...

"May I have this dance my lady?" A pleasant surprise from the twin, he had his hand out.

"You may Fred" I smirk at him & gave him my hand, he spin me around closer to his chest.

Professor McGongall explained to us what we have to do. She used Seamus as an example, we all laugh from his facial expressions.

She turn up the music, & she had another student filming us. We all waited until the beat drop to start, the boys walk up to the girls.

Me & Fred were dancing okay, although we did trip or step on each other's foot once in a while. We did indeed got use to the music & felt comfortable.

"Ready for this?" He stop us, I tilted my head confused.

He grab me from my hips & pulled me up to his chest. Everyone stop to look at us. I look down at Fred & laugh. He put me down slowly & we both couldn't stop are laughter.

"Say hi to the camera" The boy behind the camera, Dean Thomas. He was filming everything we did.

"Can you film this?" Fred pulled me in, he was just about to kiss me before he step back. I laugh again, we were extremely close & comfortable with each other.

"Professor McGongall, I believe it's are turn" Professor Snape stood there with all the Slytherins behind him. Including Draco, I made eye contact with him but he shook his head.

Maybe he saw what just happened between me & Fred, we were just having fun. I could imagine Draco thinking the worse.

"Why not team up, Gryffindors & Slytherins pair up with each other" Professor McGongall suggested, nobody moved until Snape gave us all a filthy look.

"Nina how about me & you-" A boy from the Slytherins approach me, but Draco push him away.

"Me & You" He smirk at me.

The music started & surprisingly Draco already knew what he was doing, I couldn't say the same. He laughed at me a couple times.

I could see from the corner of my eye, Harry was watching us.

"Are you mad at me?" I said to him looking up at him.

"No" Draco said in a annoyed toned "Are you going to the ball?"

"I will, will you?" I ask him peacefully.

"I am now" Draco look down at me & smirk, I leaned my head on his chest & closed my eyes.

"How do you know how to dance?" I ask him.

"I always have gatherings with my family, it's just something I need to know" He explained to me, I nodded my head.

"What happened to your hand" I look up at him, his knuckles they were bruised.

"The wall was getting on my nerves" he chuckled, & I laugh along.

"That will be it for today students, see you all at the ball on Friday" Professor McGongall excused us to leave.

Me & Draco were still holding hands, I slowly started walking away & are hands were free. I smiled at him & headed to my friends, he did the same.

As soon as I turn my back to Draco, I was face with Harry he had been watching me from a distance.

"Why were you with Malfoy?" He rolled his eyes.

"Calm down Harry everyone else was taken" I assured him.

"Nina he knows about us" Harry whispered to me.

"If he knew he would of said something" I said in a annoyed tone.

Harry stayed quite, he realized I was right. Draco would of spoke if he knew.

The rest of the day was the usual, we hang out at the common room until it was time for bed. We all just chatted & play games. Seamus was sitting alone on the table with his back facing us, I approach him.

"Hey, you could join us if you like?" I invited him, he wasn't moving. Seamus was just looking out the window.

I could see his reflection threw the glass window, he had bruises on his face. I blink a couple times just to make sure I wasn't seeing things.

"Seamus..." I sit down next to him, I was facing one side of his face.

He was sitting there with a frown on his face & his eyes were puffy, he look like he's been crying for a while.

"This is all your fault" Seamus mumbled quietly without looking at me.

"I don't know what you mean" I raise my brows "What happened to you?"

"I was wrong, so they beat me up" Seamus said with a angry tone.

"Who did?!" I raise my voice slightly & crooked my brows.

"Malfoy" Seamus turn to look at me, when I saw his full face, one of his eyes were throbbing.

I got up from the seat & rubbed Seamus back, I really did feel it was my fault. Draco beat up Seamus, because of me.

I know this wasn't a lie it all makes sense. Draco knuckles they were bruised, but he told me something else Draco had lied to me.

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