I Thought It Was You

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Flip had a rough day at the station. They just picked up a new case after the one with the Klan and was still pissed about the way that one ended. This one though was about a gang who had just recently made their way to Colorado Springs and some surrounding towns. At first, it was just drug deals, but things started to escalate a little too quickly. There had been shootings, hit and runs, and a few robberies.

Flip, Ron, and Jimmy had the job to figure out their intentions, see if they have been here before. Pretty much get any information they could find. They had a lead, Zeke Carson, who was caught attacking a man with his buddies in the alleyway near the pharmacy. He was the only one they caught out of the 10 or so guys that had been there. They speculated he was part of the gang they were looking for because of the tattoo in the shape of a lock with the number 66 on it, and located right below was his name. That, and the fact that they saw the same type of tattoo on some of the other guys they couldn't catch.

They took him in for interrogation but he wouldn't budge and there didn't seem to be much on him. It just seemed like a drug deal gone wrong. They didn't think much of it so they let him go. That was until this morning the crew was informed that Carson was found dead in that same alleyway.

They were now completely lost. Flip worked all day with Ron and Jimmy, but nothing. At the end of the day, he needed to grab a drink. So he drove his way to Murphy's, but when he pulled up in his usual spot right in front of the window, he noticed someone new. She looked familiar, but he couldn't put his finger on it. One thing he did know is he loved the way her smile rubbed off on him, and how her figure was so perfectly complimented in something as simple as a black t-shirt and jeans.

He walked in and was blown away when he figured out who it was.


"Holy Shit"

What happened to Flip that suddenly made him so attractive.


"So I was right. It is you." Flip smirked. "How long has it been, a decade?"

"Sure feels like it." You chuckled.

Why did you feel your cheeks getting warmer? Get it together y/n you practically grew up together, you can't think he's hot.

"The new look is nice on you. You know the whole middle part, sexy lumberjack feel." you said looking him up and down as you giggled, "It suits you."

"Thanks." He said smiling, looking down to grab a cigarette.

"You know you don't look too bad yourself." He tells you as he motions the open box of cigarettes toward you.

"I'm all set, I probably shouldn't smoke on the job. Can I get you anything? Coors?" You asked.

"Yeah, that'd be great."

You started moving to get him his beer until you heard him say, "So, why are you back in town?"

You paused, but for only a brief second. Talking to him again had made you forget why you were even here in the first place. When you talked to him it was like nothing else mattered. Watching his lips as he talked, the curls in his hair, and the lingering scent of what smelled like mahogany.

"Um... I'm actually here because my mom died."

"Shit y/n. I'm sorry I didn't know. I'm guessing that means Ben is back too."

"No actually, he was only here for the funeral. He had to get back home to the wife and kids."

"Oh. Then why are you still here?" a pause, "Shit that was rude sorry." You both chuckled.

"It's fine, I got the house so I'll be staying here for quite some time."

"That's good. So you're here with Tony?" He asked, referencing your now ex.

"Yeah, let's just say me and Tony aren't going to be moving in together anytime soon. But enough about me, how's life here in Colorado?"

"It isn't too bad. Nothing exciting. I have a good job at the station."

"The Station. As in like the Colorado Springs Police Department?"

Flip Nodded.

"Really?" you ask. "Which Unit?"

"Intelligence actually. Just like our folks."

The reason you two were so close as kids was because both your dads' worked together in that same station. They were partners who worked in intelligence. You were surprised that Flip worked at the station considering you both always used to talk about how your dad's work consumed so much of your lives.

"That's crazy. Good for you," you looked at each other smiling.

Then your gaze was interrupted when Hannah made herself known, coming through the swinging doors of the bar.

"Heyyyyy! I wa-" She stopped talking when she saw who was sitting at the bar across from you.

"Hey Flip." She looked at you with that look. "So, y/n since we're almost done for the night, I was thinking we could go back to your place and I could help around the house a little. We could even watch a movie or something. I heard that there was this new space one that just came out that we could probably watch. Oh, and Flip your welcome to come, if it's ok with y/n of course."

You nod.

"You know what, I think I'm gonna head out for the night. It's been a tough day at the station so I probably should get some rest." Flip said.

He slides you the money for the beer and starts to head out. You watch him as he leaves. The way his dark waves sway as his boots make a thudding noise on the floor, or the way he has to almost duck his head when exiting out the door because of how tall he is.

You started cleaning to get ready for closing. And as you put the money in the cash register as you notice a note with his number that he slipped in between the dollar bill.

"I missed you. Call me."



AN-  Sorry I updated later than I thought. I hated the first draft of it so I rewrote it.. Hope y'all enjoy :) -Bella

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