Part Five: The Sirens

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"Use no further communication by radio. However, I need Marco back. He has the detonators. Go find him." Hans says and two out of the eight gunmen in the room run out. "Detonanters?" I ask. "You'll find out in good time darling." He says.

We suddenly hear police sirens and the other men in the room quickly sit up.

"All of you relax, this is a matter of inconvenient timing that's all. Police action was inevitable, and as it happens necessarily." Hans says. "So let them fumble about outside and stay calm. This is simply the beginning." He tells us.

We suddenly hear a crack in the radio and Hans violently picks it up. "I thought I told all of you. I want radio silence until further-" He says, being cut off by the other guy on the line.

"Oh I'm very sorry Hans, I didn't get that message. You should've put it on the bulletin board." The man says and I realize it was John once again. "I figured since I waxed Tony, Marco, and his friend here. I figured you, Karl, and Franco might be a little lonely, so I wanted to give you a call." John says and realized he killed the other two men.

"How does he know so much about the-" Franco says but he was cut off by Hans holding his hand up. "That's very kind of you," Hans says cooly and it suddenly gives me goosebumps.

"I assume you are our mysterious party crasher. You are most troublesome for a security guard." Hans says through the radio. "Eh, sorry Hans wrong guess." John's voice cuts through the radio. "Would you like to go for double jeopardy where the scores can really change?" He asks and I see the anger build up in Hans's eyes.

"Who are you then?" Hans asks, impatiently. "I'm just a fly in the ointment Hans. A monkey in the wrench. Pain in the ass." John responds as I hear him fumbling with something through the radio.

Hans lets go of the talk button and looks up at us. "Check on all the others. Don't use the radio. See if he's lying about Marco. And find out if anyone else is missing." He says and another two guys run out of the room, with their finger on the trigger.

"Mr. Mystery Guest. Are you still there?" He asks. "Yeah, I'm still here. Unless you want to open the front door for me." John responds.

"I'm afraid not," Hans responds. "But You have me at a loss," Hans says through the radio. "You know my name, but who are you?" Hans asks. "Just another American who saw too many movies as a child? Another orphan of a bankrupt culture who thinks he's John Wayne? Rambo? Marshal Dillon?" He asks.

"I was always kinda partial to Roy Rogers actually. I really like those sequin shirts." John responds. "Do you really think you have a chance against us Mr. Cowboy?" Hans asks and we hear silence.

"Yipee Ki-Yay mother fucker." John responds and I almost laugh at his stupid one-liner.

"Dummer Amerikaner." (Stupid American.) Hans says under his breath. "Hey, I'm still kind of American," I say, partially offended. "Yes but you're different." He says as he gently pushes a piece of black hair behind my ear.

"Because I haven't messed with your precious plan?" I ask. "Yes, but there are.... other things that I like about you." He says as he runs his thumb over my bottom lip.

I had to admit, even though he was a terrorist. He knew how to sweet talk me into getting what he wanted.

"He wasn't lying about Marco, he's down on the street. And his bag is missing" Karl says and Franco enters the room behind him.

A realization then hits him.

"He had the detonators!" Hans says, getting increasingly angry as he picks up the radio.

"Theo. We're having some problems, how's it coming?" He asks. "Three down four to go." I hear a man named Theo says. "Then don't waste time talking to me," Hans says as he puts the radio down.

"This is Sergeant Al Powell. If the person who radioed for help can hear me on this channel. Acknowledge this transmission." I hear another voice say. "I read you pal." I hear John say to the other voice.

"Can you identify yourself?" The voice asks. "Not now, maybe later. Listen fast, this is a party line and the neighbors got itchy trigger fingers." John responds.

"Alright here's the deal. You've got thirty or so hostages on the 30th floor. The leader's name is Hans." John says.

"We have to find him and shut him up. He's telling them everything." Another gunman says. "Let him, I'm waiting on the FBI to arrive and until then, he can waste as much time as he likes, but. We must find the bag, Fritz. We must have the detonators." Hans says.

"You've got some badass perpetrators and there here to stay," John tells the other voice on the radio. "Damn right," Hans says.

"He altered the plan," Karl says with a devilish smirk.

"Get the detonators and then do whatever you want to him," Hans says and Karl quickly runs out, with two more men on his heels...

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