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"For the last time Elara, we forgive you. Rowan always killed the mood anyways." Sage assures me. "Yeah what she said," Tate adds with a nod. "I love you guys." I sigh gratefully, wrapping an arm around each of them.

"Aw, we love you too." Sage grins. "A Malfoy going soft, we have done the impossible." Tate teases. "Don't call me soft, Anderson." I scold.

"You're whole family is a disappointment to pureblood families." My brother hisses. "Say it again I dare you Malfoy!" Fred replies. "Shit," I mumble, racing towards the argument. "Just in time Elara," Draco smirks.

"I'm not here to back you up Draco, I'm here to take you back to the common room," I reply. "Are you defending them?" Draco scoffs. My eyes flick to Fred's for a short moment before focusing back on Draco.

"Draco, leave them be. They probably didn't even do anything." I mutter. "They didn't need to do anything for me to degrade them, Elara." Draco seethes angrily. "Fred, George let's go they aren't worth it." Ginny Weasley begs her older brothers, tugging in their arms.

"This isn't over Weasleys," Draco shouts as they walk away. "Draco stop. Now." I demand.

"What happened to your family loyalty?" Draco scoffs. "My loyalty?" I gasp. "Maybe I lost all respect for our family the moment Lucius allowed for his daughter to be taken advantage of. Or maybe it was when he and mother are screaming at the top of their lungs in the dining hall. Or the time he literally slapped you so hard your face was bruised for a month. And how could I forget the first time he used the cruciatus curse on me." I hate that I have to remind Draco of the hurtful memories of our home.

"That doesn't matter. You stay loyal no matter what. Especially against others." Draco replies. "Are you kidding me Draco? How were we even raised by the same parents?" My tone becomes the same as my mother's.

"I actually listen to father and understand how blood status works." Draco hisses. "God, I wish I wasn't a Malfoy." I chuckle dryly. "You know what Draco, let's drop it. We're both angry and might say things we will regret, let's take a breather." I say in a low voice before walking away.

"Elara-" "I just need a few minutes guys." I sniffle. I walk all the way to my dorm with my head down so no one could see my tears.

Once entering my dorm room I shut and lock the door. I take a few deep breaths in an attempt to calm down. I put a hand gently over my mouth to keep myself quiet as tears flow freely. Maybe I am going soft, I never cry this much.

Maybe it's the constant feeling of being alone. No matter how many people I surround myself with.

| A U T H O U R S N O T E |
What's up, guys?? I named a duck George today😌🤚🏼

| A U T H O U R S N O T E |What's up, guys?? I named a duck George today😌🤚🏼

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