Chapter 14: The Magic of Christmas

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When Jasmine was sure Sirius was done with his explanation, she pulled back a little and stared at her boyfriend. It hadn't even occurred to her that James might be jealous of their relationship because he was definitely not jealous of Sirius being with her since they were practically brother and sister. That is when a plan begins to formulate in Jasmine's brain, and Sirius notices right away. He whispers in her ear, "You have an idea. You better let me in on it. He is my best mate after all." Then he pulled back so that he was looking into her eyes.

Jasmine nodded her head then whispered quiet enough that no one would overhear, but not so quiet that Sirius wouldn't be able to hear her. "Yes, I do, but I'll tell you about it later." Sirius pouted. "Pads, I would like to open the rest of my presents first. Plus, this way I can tell you without a chance of James overhearing my plan. For now, just apologize to him so that we can move on and enjoy Christmas."

Sirius nodded and turned away from his girlfriend. Now Sirius was facing his best mate. "James, I'm sorry for leaving you in the middle of your story." Sirius gave him an apologetic smile.

James was surprised, and it showed. It didn't last long though. "It's all good, Sirius. I get it. She's your girlfriend and you wanted to tell her good morning." Although James did see sincere about that he forgave Sirius, he said the last part a bit bitterly, something that James himself didn't seem to realize he had done.

With the argument somewhat behind the two boys, they engaged in a new conversation as Jasmine finished up her chocolate chip pancakes.

It wasn't much later that all of them (the Potters, Sirius, Lily, and Jasmine) were all sitting around the same Christmas tree that they had last night. They were all sitting in relatively the same places that they were last night. Each of them, especially the "kids" had several presents in sitting in front of them. None of the teens were willing to wait for each person to open up their own gifts, so they just torn open their gifts without waiting.

By the time they were all done unwrapping all the presents, there was a collection of wrapping paper and other various trash that was sitting in the middle of the room. Soon it was gone because Mr. Potter had casted a spell and it all disappeared. Now in front of each person were several unwrapped presents that they had all just opened.

In front of Sirius were various treat and other such stuff from both Peter and Remus. There was nothing from his parents in the pile of presents in front of him, but surprisingly, Sirius get something from his brother, Regulus. I wasn't really much, but Sirius absolutely loved it. It was a magical photo of them together when they were younger (and his parents didn't absolutely hate him). It was a good memory and Sirius really love the present. It even came with a note that read:


I am sorry about what our parents have done to you over the years, but don't worry about me. I'm fine. And now you can be fine too.

Your brother,


It wasn't really much, but it did put Sirius at ease a little bit. He wasn't so worried about his brother being hit by his parents anymore, but that didn't mean that he wouldn't worry about the path his brother was willingly taking. He knew that path led to messing around with the dark arts and such if Snivellus was any indication. But for now, he wouldn't worry so much about his brother.

Also among Sirius' gifts was a beautiful new tool set that James had got him. It was an amazing gift that made Sirius question where he got it from. It wasn't something you would find in the magical world, so James must have help, but Sirius wasn't sure if Jasmine were the one who helped him. Anyway, it was just what Sirius needed to be able to finish fixing up the motorcycle that was still sitting in what could sort of be considered a garage but not really since it wasn't one. The Potters didn't need a garage especially since they didn't need or want a car. There was no real reason that they would need a car since they could apparate. So, the motorcycle was actually sitting in a downstairs room in a deserted corner of Potter Manor. It was the best that the boys plus James' parents could come up with when Sirius came home with the motorcycle. He planned to show the motorcycle to Jaz and Remus tomorrow, since that is when Remus would be coming over. He was only allowed to stay for a couple of hours, but Sirius thought it was better than nothing.

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