Birthday Party Pt2

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You felt kind of nervous and embarrassed once you arrived to the party because of what just happened back in the apartment, you could feel the cold air hitting your sensitive parts making you shiver, you hoped no one noticed how flushed you looked.

Everything at the party was pretty normal, there were kids running everywhere, cake and presents. Everyone greeted you in a really nice and welcoming way, you actually met a lot of new people, your favorite ones were Nicole's boyfriend and her sister Cassie.

A few hours pasted by and everyone gathered around in the living room to cut the birthday cake and sing happy birthday to Henry. Charlie stood right next to him to help him blow the candles and cut the cake, you couldn't help but feel really happy for him, he was a really good dad and everyone could tell how much he loved his son. He took a couple of photos with him before going back to you, then everyone took a seat in the living room to watch henry open his presents, he opened present after present and everyone notice Charlie's presents were his favorites.

Because there wasn't a lot of space you were sitting on Charlie's lap, he rested his chin on the top of your shoulder and his arm was wrapped around your waist keeping you in place. Being this close to him always did something to you, you could feel his breathing in your neck and his hair was tickling your cheek, the material of his jeans was rubbing your uncovered area making you clenched at the feeling. The memories of what happened in his apartment earlier were making you wet again, his words were repeating in your mind.

"Fuck—you are such a good girl"

"That's my good little slut— you deserve to get your pretty mouth fucked"

You remember Charlie saying that you needed to behave to get your underwear back so you shook your head slightly trying to get rid of your thoughts, it would be really helpful if you had your underwear on but the feeling of not having them was turning you on more. By this point your wetness was almost dripping out of your cunt, you couldn't control it anymore, it was staring to make a mess in his jeans, you hoped Charlie wouldn't notice but he did.

"Are you wet again baby"? He whisper in your ear

You were too embarrassed to answer so you just nodded.

"How could you be wet again, when you came on my shoe just hours ago?" he asked again whispering.

"Im-im sorry" you said as low as you could.

Your blood boiled and rushed to your cheeks, his hands grabbed the side of your hips to squeeze them gently, luckily everyone else was focus on their own conversations and watching henry open his last presents to notice that.

"You need me to give you a proper fuck don't you? Otherwise you are never going to be satisfied." He said whispering in your ear again making you get goosebumps all over your body.

By now your face was probably red and your body was shivering, the idea of Charlie fucking you right now was arousing you and not letting you think properly, you really needed him, your core and clit were already pulsing and dripping for him, so you nodded telling him yes.

"Wait for me in the guests' bathroom, it's at the end of that hall" he said and pointed you in the direction of it.

"Okay" you said whispering.

You stood from his lap and started making your way to the bathroom, half way there you hesitated for a moment because the feeling of guilt was taking over you. You looked back at Charlie trying to search for a comforting look or something. Charlie's eyes never left you so when you looked back it was easy to find him, he gave you an approval nod like if he was telling you that it was okay, then you entered the bathroom and waited for him there.

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