Chapter Fifteen

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Walking on the sand while listening to the tranquil waves, it sure is calming. Whether it is the water, the sand or it is just the atmosphere at night. I'm sure that everything draws me in. It almost feels magical, like how you've finished a theater and walked out of the mall only to realize that most of the stores are closed off or when how a park filled with lots of people, is deserted and calm at night.

All of it is just perfect. Strangely enough, I'm attracted to those kinds of energy. Maybe I just needed some time to myself to relax and breathe this flow of energy surrounding my soul.

It is breathtaking and warm, my type of place to reside in.

“Thank you, Ava.” I say with my deepest gratitude. She always knew what's best for me even though she never points it out, I know that she only means well for me.

I clench my hands into a ball, placing it infront of my chest. “May your life be filled with hope and will let you shine even on the darkest days.. I hope you become a firefly, Ava.” I breathe in and out, smiling at what I've done.

“Well, that's that. I should head home for now..” I whisper to myself, turning my back on the sea and shaking the negativity around me.

“Alright! I stalled too much, let's go-”


Healing with You Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora