Twenty-Nine - Dresses

Start from the beginning

"They're big boys Ren, they can deal with it." Uraraka reassured her as the two of them stepped out of the storeroom.

"I guess..." Ren thought back to the night she showed Bakugo how her quirk had improved and how talking about Todoroki had sent him into a jealous frenzy of her body. The hickeys lasted days and she was so grateful her training uniform and scarf could cover her neck. "But enough of that miserable dumb boy talk, let's talk dresses."

Meanwhile in a classroom one level down and slightly to the left of where Uraraka and Ren where conversing. The dragged out awkward yell of Izuku Midoriya was travelling down the hallway.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Midoriya's trail of yell echoed along with him and he dashed into the classroom where Todoroki, Kaminari and Ojiro were mopping the floor. He collapsed onto one of the desks, his body shaking so much that the desk began to rattle beneath him.

"Are... You... Okay.... Midoriya?" Kaminari asked as he slowly stepped towards him and poked at his shaky frame a few times with the handle of his mop.

"I... Actually... Did it." He turned his head towards Kaminari, a half dead expression plastered on his pale face. "I asked Uraraka to the dance."

"Woah! Go Deku!" Kaminari punched the air and bounced up and down. "I didn't know we were even asking..." He settled down and tapped his chin a few times in thought, wondering if it'd be worth asking someone.

"What did she say, Midoriya?" Todoroki stepped closer and peeled his shaken friend from the desk. "Your physical state makes me think it didn't go so well."

"Actually... She said yes." Colour returned to Midoriya's cheeks in the form of a light flush. He'd blurted it out more than asked her nicely and Uraraka had gone completely pink before she blurted a yes back to him. Before they'd discussed anything further they'd both turned on their heels and rushed to find their respective friends to unload the tension in their chests.

"That's great." Ojiro said with a little smile. "I always thought you two would make a good pair."

"Are you three done in here yet?" Iida's commanding presence entered the room along with his checklist and clipboard. "Midoriya, you should be in the library returning textbooks from our last class."

"Give him a break rep, this player just asked Uraraka to the dance." Kaminari swung his arm over Midoriya's shoulders and pulled his neck down a little as he did so.

Iida raised a brow. "And that's supposed to be an excuse?"

Kaminari unwrapped his arm from Midoriya and held his hands out defensively. "Okay, okay, you're the boss. Midoriya, fill us in later. Better get back to your duties before Iida has a hernia."


The girls all gathered in the living area that night to make a game plan for what stores they should visit and to exchange Pinterest boards of dream dresses for a winter dance. Ren had offered to make everyone a cup of tea while they online window-shopped, and so was in the kitchen waiting for the kettle to finish boiling, placing various tea bags into mugs.

Bakugo lazily rounded the corner into the kitchen, scratching his toned stomach beneath his t-shirt as he yawned. "Hey." He mumbled to Ren as he drew in another dramatic yawn.

"Hey." She mumbled back as she glanced over at him briefly. He made for the snack cupboard and pulled out the tub of chilli chocolate protein powder he'd aggressively marked as his and only his by threat of death.

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