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mackenzie's eyes opened and took in a huge gasp of air. she looked around and saw glass coffins all around her. but only her and ten others were on flower beds. the other glass coffins were dusty but the ones on the flower beds were clean.

"oh good it worked." mackenzie's head snapped to a blonde standing on the other side of her coffin. mackenzie's hand grabbed her blade that was attached to her thigh, "oh no please. mother said i had to wake you. please don't!" the girl seemed frightened. she was mackenzie's age.

"what happened?" mackenzie asked the girl, but still kept her blade with a firm grip. "how long was i asleep?" she asked the more important question.

the blonde sighed, "one hundred, seventy three years."

"how is this possible? last i remember the killer was blowing powder and then, i see you." mackenzie asked as she sat on the coffin she laid in not long ago with her feet hanging on the edge.

"one hundred and seventy years ago everyone in this castle, including you, was put asleep. besides princess emily." mackenzie's head shot up to face the girl, looking at her in the eye. "she broke the news the world. became the queen and the kingdoms all united to crown her. she married, had seven kids, but never stopped looking for a way to wake you." the girl paused and then walked a few feet away to press a button, which projected a hologram of emily. she was much older. maybe 20, 30 years older.

"if you're seeing this mackenzie, it means i have died before i could wake you. i've taught my children everything they need to know to wake you. if you're seeing this, it means they, or future generations have succeeded. i'm so sorry but not long after you all went to sleep, the killer who put herself to sleep with you, was missing. the coffin, not her body. and mackenzie," emily paused, "it was maddie." mackenzie stopped breathing, her breath hitched and her hand clutched on her own chest, "she killed lauren, she was behind it all. i had her room checked, she put you to sleep. blamed johnny- i'm so sorry." mackenzie couldn't help the cried, but pulled herself together when emily began speaking again, "i have clear instructions that only the legacies be woken first, if we find the cure. obviously if you're watching, they did. i don't know if i, or my children, grandchildren, or even great grandchildren would wake you. maybe a hundred, thousand years later? i love you guys."

the hologram disappeared and mackenzie couldn't help it. she fell onto the ground and cried for a few minutes until she remembered she wasn't alone. "wait, why am i the only one awake?" mackenzie asked, getting up.

the girl sighed, "we found the cure, but only enough for one. it needs a witch and years ago my great great grandfather killed all witches-"

"and i'm the only he didn't kill." mackenzie realized why she was chosen.

"it doesn't just need a witch, it needs a petrova witch." the girl said, then led mackenzie to the table in the far right of the room. they past dozens of glass coffins, then mackenzie saw a glass shoe on one. she immediately stopped and wiped away the dust.

"mom." there, cinderella, sleeping soundly.

"hey, i'm sorry but we don't have time. this cure is a ticking clock." mackenzie nodded and caught up with the girl, how now stood beside a table with lots of ingredients. "you're from a petrova bloodline of witches. it means you're the last one who could make this cure. now the last one before you was-"

"my birth mother." mackenzie said as the girl pointed to a picture. "that's her, right?"

"turns out that maid was the past queen's witch, your grandmother. a secret one who worked for her and no one knew. your grandmother was the one who had that cure made for her mother. there was a small amount left in your birth mother's room in the forest. it was hidden behind an illusion that only blood magic could break." the girl pointed to mackenzie's arm, where a bandaid laid. mackenzie didn't even notice, "my mother had a hunch."

"how many generations has it been? since emily?" mackenzie asked.

the girl sighed, "eight. i'm the eighth. our family was only made to wake the legacies up. since queen emily." the girl said, then lit a candle and showed mackenzie the large wall covered in information and more. all about magic and waking the legacies up. "queen emily dedicated her life to waking you guys up. and every ruler since then has done the same."

mackenzie looked around, taking the candle and reading the walls. emily's picture stood the tallest, then the generations below her. the most recent, the girl who stood beside her. "she's gone." mackenzie sighed, finally realizing it.

"for over a century now." the girl said, "she's the greatest ruler this world has ever seen." the girl paused, "or remembered." mackenzie looked at her confused, "the memories of the legacies, or any of the fairytales have been removed the memories of anyone who remembered. it would've cause a panic. only the staff and anyone who knew you guys, like your duchesses or dukes that didn't attend your legacy day."

"she erased us from memory. she was always the smart one." mackenzie said, smiling as she stared at the beautiful queen.

"and left us a spell only you can break to put you back into history." the girl said.

mackenzie was quiet, until she realized something, "what's your name?" mackenzie asked, facing the girl, "i never asked what your name was."

"elizabeth." the girl said, "elizabeth maine skinner." elizabeth said, "she wanted to keep the name in our family so when you guys woke up-"

"we would still now a part of her was still here." mackenzie smiled, then looked around the room. her smile was short lasted when she saw how many others were still asleep. "let's get this cure."

a/n i'm so broke from spending sm money on christmas gifts oml

a/n i'm so broke from spending sm money on christmas gifts oml

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