Chapter Nine

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As Niamh and William are sitting on the bench swing, Niamh's phone rings. She sees that it's Chris so she answers it and puts it to her ear. 'Hey, Chris, what's up.'

'Niamh,' Chris exhales, 'I don't want to freak out but Street - Jim - your brother' she adds, not knowing what to refer to Street as to her, 'he's been in an accident.' 

'What?' Niamh sits up straight, ignoring the pain that has just seared through her body. 'Is he alright?'

'He's fine.' Chris reassures her. 'He's got a few cuts but Hondo wanted him to get checked over at the hospital. We're here now and we might be here for a while so you can come down if you want?

'Yeah, I'll be there in about half an hour.' Niamh replies. 

'Cool, just shoot me a text when you're here and I'll come out and meet you.' Chris tells her.

'Okay. See you in a bit.' 

'See you in a bit.' Chris repeats before hanging up.

'What's wrong?'  William asks as Niamh stands up.

'Jim has been in an accident.' Niamh replies. 'He's at the hospital getting checked over.' 

'Is he okay?' William also stands up.

'Chris said he's fine and that he's got a few cuts but I want to go and see for myself.' Niamh says. 

'I'll come with you.' William tells her. Niamh goes to say something but he cuts her off. 'No arguments. I want to make sure you get there safe, and be there in case it's worse than what Chris has told you. Let's go.' 


Half an hour later, Niamh and William arrive at the hospital. Niamh texts Chris to let her know that she's arrived and a few minutes later, Chris and Hondo walk out of the hospital and up to them.

'You weren't lying to me, right?' Niamh asks Chris. 'Nothing serious?' 

'He's fine.' Chris confirms. 

'What happened?' Niamh questions. 

'We were in a high speed chase with some suspects. One of the suspects' car crashed into the car your brother was driving.' Hondo explains. 'He's got a gash on his head which he's getting glued together now. His CT scan came back clear so they're not worried about any bleeding or anything.' 

'Okay.' Niamh nods.

'Come on, we'll take yous to him.' Hondo motions. Niamh and William follow Hondo and Chris into the hospital and to the ED. Whilst Hondo and William waits with the rest of the team, Chris leads Niamh to the cubicle where Street is being treated. The doctor is just finishing closing the gash on Street's head.

'Hey.' Niamh smiles slightly. Street moves his eyes to look at her.

'Hey, I told them not to worry you.' He replies. 

'You really think they weren't going to call me?' Niamh laughs. 'Especially since we've not long met.' Street turns his eyes back to the doctor.

'This is my younger sister, Niamh.' Street tells him.

'I thought you've not long met?' The doctor asks confused, looking at Niamh.

'I was put up for adoption when I was born.' Niamh answers. 

'Ah.' The doctor nods as he steps back. He turns his attention back to Street. 'That's all done. Try and keep the wound dry for the next five days, if it does get wet, pat it dry, don't rub it.'

'Okay.' Street nods. 

'I'll go and fill out your discharge paperwork.' The doctor tells him. He takes his gloves off and puts them in the bin before washing his hands and leaving. 

'I will leave you two alone.' Chris says before returning to her teammates and William. Niamh walks closer to him and sits on the bed next to him. 

'You didn't have to come, y'know. We could have just face-timed to show you that I was okay.' Street tells her. 

'I wanted to see for myself. In person.' Niamh replies. 'I don't have anyone else to talk to about things. Only you and William. You two are the only people aside from Charlie and the care workers at the home that know the truth about what happened to me.' Street puts his arms around her to comfort her. 'I don't know what it's like to be a little sister. To be part of a family. But when I heard that you got injured, I-' 

'I know.' Street nods. 'I was the same way when you called me about that hostage situation you were in.' He adds. 'My teammates - Hondo, Chris, Luca, Deacon, Tan - they're my family which means that they're your family too. You don't have to talk to them about what happened but you can talk to them about anything else. They'll always listen to you.' Niamh smiles slightly and nods. 'Look, I've been  talking to Charlie and we're going to set up a meeting about it, but we've been talking about you coming to stay with me and Luca every now and then or whenever you feel like you need a safe space.'

'Really?' Niamh looks at him.

'Yeah, totally.' Street grins as he nods. 'We've got the space. It's just going to waste as storage. We'll talk more about it when Charlie sets up the meeting.' 

'Thank you.' Niamh says quietly. 

'You're not alone, Niamh. Remember that.' Street reminds her.


This is a short chapter but the next chapter is a bit of a long one and something big happens (in my opinion? maybe?)

Let me know what you think!

Much love

Much love

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