"Thank you for killing the dragons for us."

"It isn't really for you guys. It's for my world."

"Even so, thank you."

Judging that they were ready to have a conversation, Yu IlHan continued speaking.

"This world should still be very harsh, but you at least won't have to live in hiding anymore. I will tell you all the locations where weak monsters live, so survive and grow in power. Understood?"


Courageously answered the elves. However, there were some who had more courage than others.

"However, h...... How do you know of the monsters' habitat?"

"Make that guy shut up!"

"Don't retort!"

Yu IlHan's 3-minute education was so effective that they were holding each other back by themselves.

"I'll tell you."

Yu IlHan extended his hand to stop them and just answered them; while activating the formation lightly.

"It's because the owner of the elven empire's magic formation is me. Oh, I won't hand over the possession, so keep that in mind."

In fact, he didn't know how to.

"The magic formation......?"

"Oh my god, it's true,:

However, just as Yu IlHan finished speaking, the elves' expressions changed. If they had expressions of people who were ruled over with force and fear, their current expressions were like a countryside tribal chief encountering the birth of a new hero.

Thinking back, when he first met the elves, they did have similar expressions when he told them that he used the magic formation. According to his memory, they became obedient immediately, which was surprising.

Yu IlHan didn't think about it that much back then, but looking at things now, it seemed that it wasn't such an obvious thing.

"How can a human control our empire's magic formation?"

"I met that human before. At that time, he told us that he succeeded the last hero, Reta Kar'iha."

"So there was a successor? I thought that the lineage ended."

"The magic formation did indeed emit light though!"

No, the reaction was somehow even more exaggerated; much more than he had imagined.

"Why did you let him go even after finding out?"

"Because he was human."

"It wasn't like we could hold him there too."

"Didn't you hear that he killed all the dragons? What does it matter about him being human!"

"That's true, but."

"Yes, he has the qualifications."

The elves seemed to whisper to each other, and they eventually formed a giant circle of 1,527 elves in order to discuss. When Yu IlHan asked one of them what they were doing, that person politely nodded his head and spoke.

"We're discussing about how to treat you. Even though it may be annoying for you, please wait a little more."

Their attitude became different. They were unbelievably kind and polite as if they were never under any suppression or violence in the first place! Yu IlHan somehow felt the shivers. His senses trained through countless books and experience were warning him.

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