My Star

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(A/N: My first Mandolorian one shot! Yay!!! Plz enjoy! 🥰)

WC: 1970 (i know it's short 😭🤚)


The quiet creak of the hull door, in need of a new oiling, being pushed open as carefully as possible.

The heavy clunk of a body being dragged across the metal floor, a reminder of the price to pay to live in these trying times.

The hissing of the carbonite freezer, sealing away another bounty, promising enough credits to keep afloat.

The heavy footsteps finding their way up through the ship, attempting to stay as muffled as possible.

The metallic rumbling as the Crest pulls out of the docking area, and a slight jostle for the jump to hyperspace.

The small squeals of delight from the baby, tucked in his tiny little cradle as he sees who walks into the cramped resting quarters.

The almost un-noticeable rustling and clatter of armor being stripped off, ready to be cleaned after hunting another quarry.

The whoosh of the fresher, washing away dirt and grime and blood. All of the reminders that everyone is still fighting to survive, constantly being pulled under by the waves of a struggling economy.

The quiet sigh as fresh linen is pulled over old and news scars alike, hiding the reminders of the daily struggles in life.

None of these things wake you from your peaceful slumber.

But the thing that does, is the most welcomed of them all.

Small kisses, being softly peppered across your nose, with a feather light touch.

The figure crouching down next to the cot, momentarily shading your face as you wrestle with the tangling arms of sleep, pulling you back under.

Just five more minutes.

Instead of granting your unspoken wish, the figure brushes calloused fingers down the side of your face, as if memorizing the exact curve.

Pulled softly out of your sleep, you listen as the disconnected voice starts to hum a quiet tune, studying your face as if it's the last time they'll ever see it.

You stay as still as possible, letting the figure still believe you are asleep, while basking in the presence of their tender love.

Of course, you already know who it is.

You drop the facade, slowly opening your eyes with great effort, blinking a few times to focus on the face in front of you.

"Mmm" you hum, leaning into the hand now cupping your face. "Are you done yet?"

"No," comes the rumbling baritone, as rich as chocolate and sending you spiraling into a feeling of bliss. "never."

You chuckle softly, reaching up to wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him in for a kiss. His lips can work wonders on you, unraveling you with even the softest touch. You drown in the feeling, the rush of adrenaline that you get every time he does anything like this.

Seeing him when he comes back home... it feels like falling in love with him all over again. And you try to cherish every second. You know he will be gone again all too soon. But instead of dwelling on your thoughts, you try and focus on the present;

Which right now happens to be Din towering over you, pressing you to the bed as he kisses you like his life depends on it.

But sadly you have to eventually breathe.

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