Chapter 2

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"So, you needed to tell me something?" 

Adrians pov:

I looked down at my feet. My whole body was shaking. I have known this girl for a very long time I should be able to do this. 

" I was just going to ask if you could help me in D.A.D.A. I'm failing and you have one of the highest scores in our year." I lied straight to her face. 

"Oh sure," she said unenthusiastically. 

"Okay thank you so much Y/n." I wrapped my harm around her shoulder for a quick awkward side hug. After that she said goodnight to me and walked away. I was amused at the fact that she wasn't wearing shoes and that the dragged her feet behind her as she walks. Once she left I was alone in the Astronomy tower. 

I looked into the deep blue night sky that was speckled with stars. I can still remember the first time I met Y/n. She was walking past my compartment on the train and saw Hermione standing in the doorway. She was going to come say hi to her friend when she heard Malfoy call her a Mudblood. I remember Hermione backed out of the doorframe and Y/n running in, she was angry. She yelled at Malfoy calling him an ignorant selfish man whore with a bowl cut right before slapping him across the face leaving her handprint red on his skin. She looked over at me we shared a smile and then she walked away like nothing happened. That was the moment I knew I was in love with her. 

I remember it walking into the great hall and seeing her beautiful h/c hair from a distance. I had no clue who this girl was but I needed to find out. I had been sorted into Slytherin and I was praying she would be too. 

"Y/l/n, Y/n." Proffesor McGonagall read aloud.

I then assumed that it was her name as I waited for the hat to pick her house. I could feel my shoulders tense. 

"Ah you are kind like a Hufflepuff, smart like a Ravenclaw, Brave like a Gryffindor, but ambitious and cunning like a Slytherin," the sorting hat announced to the group. "I think she will go good in... SLYTHERIN!" 

It was like the weight of the world was lifted off my shoulders. She came and sat across from her twin. I couldn't help but stare into her e/c eyes. Her eyes found their way to mine and she gave me a smile before continuing with her conversation. I had fallen. Hard. 


I'm sorry I just had to post this chapter before I would explode. I am going to do more homework now but another chapter should be coming tonight. And it will be much longer. This chapter contains 428 words (oof thats short)! See yall soon!

-Much Love,


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