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Jars tagged me- dashipoflams thanks mate
1) Do you care about what others think of you?
I'd like to say I don't but... I'd hate it if I did something to make someone think I wasn't a nice person.

2) Middle name?
Sure, why not. It's Mary.

3) Favourite sport?

4) Best friend?
Irl I don't really have one but online I have many 🥺

5) Someone you couldn't live without?
Stingrays, Demiblood, Freaking Fam, everyone who I've met here

6) Favourite name/nickname that others call you?
Lia is actually a nickname, and I love it. People also call me Milly and Moomoo... also sometimes Amey. Try and guess my real name, I dare you. (Yes, some people already know)

7) Are you more cute or sexy?
Haha no❤️

8) What are your preferred pronouns?
Mine are fluid between she/her and they/them and I'm not really bothered!

9) Have you ever been asked out?
We don't speak of that.

10) Do you believe in love/soulmates?
I think there is someone out there for everyone. But not necessarily romantically!!

11) What are your top 3 pet peeves?
- when the fork scrapes a ceramic plate and you're just- dndksowos EURGHRHHH
- people stealing my skittles. Unforgiveable.
- people who claim to support women's rights and then make mysogynistic 'jokes' like #nowomensrights LIKE MATE IF YOU SUPPORTED WOMENS RIGHTS YOU WOULDNT FIND THAT SHIT FUNNY
(honestly I could go on and on but those are my top three)

12) Do you consider yourself an emotional person?
Depends on who I'm with but yeah

13) Words you say often?
Istg no one sleeps anymore
Don't touch my skittles
that's not safe!!

14) Picture of yourself?
At this point I have nothing to lose.

(I'm rapunzel lqxy_army  is Pascal)(oh Hannah remember when you said "be the rapunzel to my pascal" that was the best thing anyone has ever asked me ily)

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(I'm rapunzel lqxy_army  is Pascal)
(oh Hannah remember when you said "be the rapunzel to my pascal" that was the best thing anyone has ever asked me ily)

15) Favourite picture of another person?
Lin Manuel Miranda

16) Favourite hobby?I love to sing, edit, write, role play, bake and read

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16) Favourite hobby?
I love to sing, edit, write, role play, bake and read

17) Role model?
Lin Manuel Miranda, Malala Yousafzai

18) Who is the best person you personally know?
One of my closest irl friends, I call him Dan the Can and he's the best person. There is literally no competition.

19) Crush?
Yeah nah

20) Tag 20 people.

perddictedtosea a-dam-pjo-fangirl thedammultifandom thedamsnackkbar lqxy_army LilySerenaSchreave _The_Graceful_Jason_ dashipoflams demibloodfam daughter_of_olympus Chakrabortydebapriya spacenams heroesof0lympus amelias-awful-wip (watch me start tagging people I don't know because I've a bad memory for names)
Wattpad TheOfficialRemote FourthWallRebuilder _-KaylaKnowles-_ diangelodare

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