White Corduroy

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it was the last day of school and Anaise White was getting dressed. She wore a light pink dress that fell down to her thigh, light pink flats and she put her light brown hair into a ponytail. Corduroy, Anaise's white cat was meowing to be let out of the room, so she could eat.

"Stop you're meowing; i'm almost done anyway" Anaise said to her annoying cat as she got her binder into her side bag. Anaise opened the door and they both headded to the kitchen.

"Good morning Annie" said Anaise's mother; Polly. Polly was a blonde workaholic that was almost never around. The same was with Anaise's father, Jim, he worked as much as Polly. Anaise didn't mind too much, she liked being home alone. If she wanted company Anaise could always call her aunt Jessabelle to come over; she only lived next door.

"are you excited for the first day of school?" asked Jim

"Very" Anaise said with a smile as she fed her starving cat.

"Have a lovely day my dear, when you get home today me and you're father won't be here. we're leaving for a buisness trip at 2:00" said Polly

"I will, have fun, love you" Anaise kissed her parents and went to the bus stop. The last day of school before summer was usually the quietest. Have of the students didn't  show up so Anaise could have peace on the bus and read her 'City of Bones' book in peace. Once Anaise got home she heated up some chicken noodle soup, took a bath; at 10:00 she put on Breakind Dawn Part 2. Nudged between a cat and a blanket Anaise watched her movie in peace. When the movie ended Anaise heard a noise near the open window; something was outside. Anaise paused the end credits and heard the noise again, Corduroy jumped off of the couch and went to investigate; Anaise did the same. She got closer to the window and heard a voice say 'oof'. Anaise looked outside of the window and saw a boy sitting on the grass and a brown fluff of fur next to him. She could hardly see so she put on the outdoor lights. She looked again and saw a blonde haired boy and what looked like a ferret. He looked up.

"hey" he said as he waved.

"uh...hi" Anaise said and waved back.

"are you okay?" Anaise asked

"you look a little beaten up" she said

"oh i'm fine" he said as he patted himself to get the dirt off.

"What happend to you?"

"No worries, i just had a little trouble with...." he stopped talking

"a little trouble with what?" she asked

"uh... i can't say, it's classified"

"huh, is that so?" he nodded

"so if you tell me you'll have to kill me right?" she asked. he touched his nose to tell her that she was right.

"i like you're ferret" she said. He looked down and picked up the ball of fur.

"thanks, his name is Acer"

"like after the computer?"

"hah, yeah" he laughed a little.

"what's so funny?" she asked

"well, no one ever assumes that"

"really? well..." she picked up her acer "as you can see" she showed him her acer "i own an acer"

"I see"

"So ferret boy, what's you're name?" she asked

"Timmy, and you'res?"

"Anne-aie-eese" she spelled out, not many people that she met have heard her name before. They heard a noise in the distance, it was dark so they couldn't make out what it was. They heard whatever it was get closer.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2012 ⏰

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