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I woke up and opened my phone to check the date and time. It read Sunday, 2PM.
"Wait... Sunday?!"
I jumped out of my bed, brushed my hair and went to my closet.
"Shit, shit, what to wear?!"
I choose a light blue sweater with a white tennis skirt, along with a pair of white converse. I then tied my hair in a high pony, leaving my bangs curled.
I checked Twitter to see if Soobin posted anything about going to the movies.
He had tweeted 30 minutes ago, saying he just found a seat at the theater.

I plopped on my bed, thinking going there would be worthless. But then I remembered what Beomgyu told me.
Maybe he's right, I should go and tell Soobin how I feel. Before it's too late.

I hopped onto my bicycle and biked my way to the movies. It wasn't too far, just about 20 minutes. When I arrived, the movie Soobin and Migyung were watching was already playing. So I payed for a ticket and hurried in.
When I got inside, there were a lot of people. I'm guessing the movie was popular. Finally after searching crowd after crowd, I found an empty seat. I sat down. Ignoring the movie, I looked around to see if I could spot Soobin or Migyung anywhere.
"I hope they're not doing anything weird..."
Then I spotted him.
I can't believe I couldn't find him before, he was so tall you could easily spot him in a second. But the thing was, he wasn't with Migyung...
I stared at him for a few seconds, and suddenly he stared back.
We just looked at eachother, silencing the noises from the movie that was playing.
He motioned his hand for me to come sit next to him.
And so I did.

Once I sat down next to him he whispered to me,
"What made you change your mind?"
"Hmm... it was boring staying at home,"
He chuckled, having his dimples show and his eyes sparkle from the humor.
I love it when you laugh Soobin, it warms my heart so much.
"Y-yah, what's so funny?" I playfully slap his arm.
"Shhh, you'll distract everyone," He says, still giggling.
I just cross my arms.
"Thank you for coming here, it means a lot,"
I looked directly into his eyes and he cracks a big smile.
"Where's Migyung?"
He goes silent.

"I-it was a lie..."

Soobin's smile fades away, making him look down into his lap and fiddle with his fingers.
"I used Migyung as an excuse for you to come to the movies with me..."
He finally answers.

I stood up from my seat, making everyone in the theater turn to me.
"So you're telling me you used Migyung just to set me up? Unbelievable,"
I began to leave the theater when Soobin grasped my arm.
"Please Y/n, can we talk?"

We stood outside the building of the movies. I was really nervous, so I gripped onto the hem of my sweater tightly.
"Y/n... I didn't mean to use Migyung as an excuse, I was just too embarrassed to ask you... out,"
I became guilty as I saw the sadness in his eyes. I wish I didn't get so angry at him earlier, I don't want to be cause of your sorrow Soobin.

Still feeling nervous and guilty, I take a step closer to him and stare at his face. Gosh, you'd never guess how badly I wanted to kiss those pouty pink lips of his. 
We both lean in closer and closer until,

Shouted a familiar feminine voice.
It was her.
Soobin quickly grabbed my hand and whispered,
"Let's run away,"

tall boy. + soobinWhere stories live. Discover now