Untitled Part 2

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My friends kept mounting pressure on me. At first I was strongly determined not to succumb to their pressure. Later as the pressure increased I decided to listen to Sandra's advice.

 “You don't need to have sex with guys, but you can't do without them” Sandra has said that to me on many occasions.

 “You can always keep a boyfriend and still maintain your virginity”

 “But it is not easy” I would tell her

 “Not easy if you don't know the logic” she would reply

 “You can keep the logic” I would say again

 In one of those days that we sat down at the back of the school dormitory, reading under the street light, she had suddenly called me.

 “Katty! Should I introduce you to a friend?”

 “Haven't I got enough?” I asked back.

 “I mean a friend you will always love to be with” Sandra said.

 “Somebody not as troublesome as you are” I said

 “Katty, I am serious, somebody that will touch your mind and soul, somebody that you can always confide in, somebody that you will remember and smile”

 “Enough of these sweet words. Are boys that precious?” I asked

“They might not, but there is always one for every girl. If you meet your soul mate, it is like you have met your saviour”

 “That is interesting, and you have known my soul mate? I asked her

 “I am talking of a boy who is very handsome, brilliant, rich gentle, friendly, charming .....”

 “Hold it” I said “ If I don't stop you I know you won't stop, you just want me to be like you, to lose my virginity at 15" I said and Sandra got angry.

 “What is the meaning of that nonsense?” She asked angrily, packed her books and started walking towards the hostel.

 I knew I had wronged her. Sandra was my only true friend. I knew she truly loved me and I didn't want to offend her, so I followed her.

 “I am sorry Sandra” I said.

 “Don't worry” she said and continued walking without looking at me.

 “I am sorry, I am very sorry” I repeated.

“Indeed, I have heard you” she replied.

 “So let's go back and finish our discussion” I said

 She stopped and looked at me. She thought for few seconds and then slowly turned back. After we have settled down she broke the silence.

 “Listen Katty, I will introduce you to Floyd, just as a friend. If you like him, go out with him, if you don't just forget about it”

 “Alright I think there is no harm in that, let me meet him first” I said.“But there was a lot of harm in that discussion, because since that day, I started thinking about Floyd. I started imagining myself going out with him. A handsome, brilliant, rich and caring Floyd as Sandra has described him.

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