Investigating the Legend

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Y/n's Story: Y/N is a human who LOVED The Legend of Echo Valley, Y/N was an orphan, Y/N's parents abandoned Y/N after they found out Y/N would be a murderer in the future from a forture teller... the forture teller tried to kill Y/N when she saw Y/N after a LONG LONG time but Y/N wouldn't let her, the forture teller died from a skeletal demon wolf who just stared at Y/N before teleporting away, Y/N wanted to find out who this mysterious skeletal demon wolf was, oh and Y/N was bullied at school JUST like FangScar...

FangScar's Story: Fang was a young girl who just wanted to be normal but she was bullied for her love of the supernatural, demons, monsters, and overall evil... she was chased to Echo Valley and into the MOST cursed of the valley by her bullies they soon catched up to her and stabbed her enough times to kill the dead... she now haunts Echo Valley seeking NOTHING but revenge and to be loved by others...

I used a naming wheel to choose the forture teller's name so NO offence if your name is Bertha and you're nice... I just put random names and Bertha was picked...

btw new readers or writers who found this book and DON'T know what Y/N means it means Your Name, your welcome! also ya can choose if it's a lesbian love story or a straight love story...

Y/N's pov
I heard rumours about a young girl who died at Echo Valley with enough knife wounds to kill the dead... legends say that she's now a skeletal demon wolf seeking revenge and that she HATES humanity... I was walking on the sidewalk my hoodie over my head, I then saw the forture teller come her name was Bertha... Bertha yelled "IT'S Y/N THE MURDERER! KEEP HER AWAY!" the old woman slapped me with her bag before pushing me onto the ground grabbing a knife out of her bag ready to stab me with it, I could hear people screaming but some were NOT screaming at me... I tried to see but Bertha stabbed my arm (YOU pick which arm) causing me to scream in pain when I did Bertha had sharp wolf like claws stabbed through her throat then ripped out, I just laided there as a skeletal demon wolf stared at me for what felt like hours... Before she teleported away while people ran to help me up and 1 of them yelled "ARE YOU OK!? YOU COULD'VE BEEN KILLED!" I asked "It was probably just a young girl who was cosplaying..." The same person screamed again "NO SHES DANGEROUS!" I was then teleported back to my house on my bed I made the decision to look at the corner (YOU choose which corner) where I saw the same skeletal demon wolf who saved me, she was just watching me... NOT moving, NOT blinking, NOT doing ANYTHING for what felt like hours...

FangScar's pov
I was watching Y/N for what felt like hours till I walked up to them and asked "You're Y/N... right?" They just nodded "Y--Yep... and I'm guessing you're FangScar right?" I nodded back "FangScar is my name... Revenge is my game..." Y/N built up the courage to ask something NOONE EVER asked before... "Why do you ONLY seek revenge? I mean there's gotta be SOMETHING else ya seek... right?" I was speechless... I could barely get a word out... "I just w--want a... friend... w--who WON'T... leave m--me... I NEVER h--had a friend b--before..." They just smiled "M--Maybe we can be friends!" I tilted my head "Friends? us? No... I CAN'T accept..." Y/N frowned, I felt guilty... "Why do you NOT want to be my friend?" I sighed but answered anyways... "Because you deserve a friend better than me..." They smiled "Well FangScar... ya just got yourself a friend for life..." I smiled slightly "R--Really!? b--but-" They interrupted me "NO buts... Just accept it..." I sighed "O--Ok..."

Y/N's pov
I was happy, I became friends with FangScar, someone who MANY thought was dangerous but actually jst needed a friend... I understand that feeling... Anyways I visited FS every time I got the chance to and we eventually started to accept eachother NOT jst because we have similar pasts but because we knew that if 1 needed help or comfort, the other would provide a WHOLE lot of it... I smiled at the memory of when me and FangScar 1st met... I went outside to check the mailbox like I do EVERY day and there was ALWAYS mail from FS but this time it was different... there was ONLY junkmail and random paper, I read through each of them but NONE were sent by FS, I started to panic... I pushed the thought away though and kept checking for a week but still NOTHING from FS, that's when I was in a state of fright and panic... Thoughts overwhelmed me... 'What if she's in danger!?' I was jst panicing more untill... I blacked out... I thought it was from a panic attack but I felt something hard and cold hit the back of my head, from my guess, a metal pipe or a metal baseball bat...


Me: Sorry it was short, I jst wanted to publish this RLLY RLLY badly and COULDNT wait... Hope you enjoyed!

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