"Hey! Professor I cannot agree with your type of speaking by any means that it just not proper!" Kiibo yelled.

"Hey! You sound older than I am aren't you a teenager! If anything you should talk even worse!" Professor yelled.

"Excuse me you two I have to get going." I sighed pushing between them. 

"Oh okay well goodbye-!" Professor said happily.

"Aw are you leaving already?" Kiibo whined.

"Don't worry I'll be back soon Kiibo! Bye bye!" I said putting in my shoes.

"Bye..! Stay safe!" Kiibo said.

"I will!" I said getting up and giving Professor and Kiibo hug.

Kiibo hugged back while Professor awkwardly tried to hug me back.

I let go of them and nodded and ran out the door.

~~Time skip after school~~

"Hahaha! Okay yeah sure bye Mitski!" I said smiling walking out my school gate.

"Seriously I can't believe you moved in with your boss....that's crazy!" Hanako said looking at me.

"It's no big deal-" I said.

"YO Y/N!!!!"

I knew that voice. Oh no. Please god no. I nervously turned my head to the front of the school gate. Professor. What the fuck?

"Uh...who's that..?" Hanako asked looking over my shoulder.

"NO ONE IMPORTANT-" I yelled trying to block Hanakos view.

"Y/N IM WAITING!!" Yelled professor.

Hanako curiously peaked her head over my shoulder and saw professor leaned against his expensive black lambo. A group or boys where around Professor asking him questions left and right. They were the car geeks and they looked like their were sparkles in their eyes.

"Sorry Hanako I have to go...." I nervously said.

"Miss Y/n!!" Kiibo yelled.

"YOURE HERE TOO KIIBO?!" i yelled.

"Hey whos Kiibo!" Hanako yelled grabbing my wrist.

All of the people in the area crowded around me and started asking questions about the fancy car.

"Hey you own that car?!" A boy asked.

"Do you think I could take pictures with it please for my insta!" I girl asked.

"Can I have a ride?" A boy asked.

I couldn't move in the crowd I couldn't breath either. I pushed my way out and ran to the lambo.


"Huh what do you mean this is the least expensive one I have?" Professor whined.

"Hey y/n!" Kiibo said from inside the car as the car window pulled down.

[Feelings] kiibo x reader Where stories live. Discover now