Merry Christmas [19]

Start from the beginning

"Seriously. I apologize in advanced for my crazy family." He chuckled and shook his head, bringing her hand up for him to kiss.

"Let's enjoy this now then." Kennedy nodded, leaning over the table to kiss his lips, loving how much comfort Jon was bringing her.

Their time in Las Vegas was extremely calm whenever it was just Jonathan and her it was always this way. The both of them seemed to mellow each other out, especially Jon. He knew that although Kennedy wasn't stressed because of in ring work but mainly her corporate job; it was the perfect opportunity to help her ease up.

The two of them spent most of their time at his house, spending time together while occasionally going out for a drive and even a jog in the desert that Jon somehow convinced her to go on. Before you know it, they were packed up heading to Hartford to spend Christmas with Kennedy's family.

"We're home!" Kennedy yelled out as she opened the door to her parents' home in Hartford.

Kennedy and Jon were covered in a bit of snow, and it was safe to say that Jon didn't enjoy it very much since he wasn't used to this kind of weather.

"Hey guys." Stephanie walked out with a cup of hot chocolate in her hand. She set it down giving Jon and Kennedy a hug.

"So Jon, how you liking the snow?" Her mom asked, stifling her laughter as she watched him shake off the snow from his jacket.

"It's not my favorite, but it is nice outside." He spoke, and Kennedy and her mother laughed before her father joined in.

"Jon!" He smiled, giving his daughter's boyfriend a hug. It was actually comical to see how much Paul had warmed up to him after only a few weeks.

Kennedy rose her brow and crossed her arms across her chest. "It would be nice for my father to recognize me." She sassed, and he rolled his eyes, pulling her into a hug.

"I didn't forget about you, princess. You and Jon head up to your rooms and get changed, then come back down so we can all make homemade ornaments."

Jon looked over at Kennedy as she grabbed his hand and led him towards her bedroom.

"Homemade ornaments?" He asked as she shut the door.

"Dad likes all of us to make ornaments for the Christmas tree together. It's a tradition we've been doing for years now." He chuckled and nodded his head, patting his lap for Kennedy to sit on.

"Thank you for spending the holidays with me and my family. I know how much you'd rather be in a bar right now, but you came all the way here." She spoke gently, playing with his hair as he laid his head on her chest.

"As much as I love going to the bars, I'd much rather be with you doll. I love you, you know that." He said holding her tighter as she smiled and nodded her head.

"I love you too. Come on, dad gets impatient sometimes." He laughed and letting Kennedy get up from his lap.

The McMahon-Levesque family and Jon all sat down on the kitchen island as they talked and each made their own ornament to hang up on the Christmas tree. While Kennedy and her sisters had an entire collection from the pervious years, it was special since Jon got to add his first and hopefully not last one.

"Jon, do you like my ornament?" Vaughn asked as she held the colorful fairy cut out, he smiled and nodded his head.

"It looks good V. Do you like mine?" He said showing off his motorcycle cutout and she nodded before going back to hers.

"How does mine look babe?" Kennedy asked, poking his side, showing him the neatly colored doll cutout.

He chuckled and nodded, picking up his beer to take a swig before turning back to Kennedy. "Why'd you choose that?"

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