♡ How they came to be - Finding Wilbur ♡

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EditThis chapter is shit, but, I have no plans to change it.

Here is some information valuable to this story (not all stories)

Tommy - A raccoon-human hybrid, 16 years old (present day, age will vary), found when 4 and 6'0

Wilbur - A fox-human hybrid, 20 years old and 6'5 (present day, age and height will vary), found when 5

Techno - A piglin, 21 years old and 6'4 (present day, age and height will vary) found when 12

Phil - A raven-human hybrid, 35 years old and 6'8 (present day, age and height will vary)

Finding Wilbur

Phil's pov

I slowly walk through the cold, dark streets of the town as I take a look into every street. I have been hearing a child crying every day I've been walking here but I've yet to find them. I'm determined to. I hear the poor child's weeps for its mother as the sound draws nearer with each step. 

I continue to glance into every creek and street I can find, the child's sobs growing louder until they're almost right next to me. I stop where it is the loudest and peek into the alleyway into the alleyway the sound is coming from. Inside lays a small child, wrapped up in a box and covered in a small blanket just about big enough to cover the lower part of its body.

The child looks around 9 years old, with dark brown hair and chestnut brown eyes. The child was dressed in a yellow jumper and blue joggers. But, what intrigued Phil the most was the bright orange and white fox ears and tail protruding out of its head and back. It seemed to be a hybrid, just like him. 

It takes awhile be for it notices me. I only now just realise how big it's eyes were. It's eyes were big and dark, clouded in tears and sadness. I look to the child in sadness as I sit down in front of the box slowly as to not scare it. The child looks at me curiously, well, not me, but more so my wings. 

"You like them?" I whisper cautiously. The child jumps ever so slightly at my voice but slowly nods it's head. I reach my wing out slightly, the child's eyes brightening at the movement. My wings slowly moves it's way towards the child, it holding its hands out to touch them. 

As the wings are in the range of the kid, it strokes them quite quickly, the sensation feeling nice and calming. 

"What's your name?" 

"O-oh, I'm W-Wilbur." The child softly speaking, it's voice being that of a boy. 

"Im Phil. Why are you in a box, outside, in the rain?" I ask, him noticeably flinching.

"I'm sorry, you don't need to answer that." I hurriedly say in a hushed tone 

♡ time skip because I'm lazy ♡

After Phil has taken Wilbur home 

3rd person POV

Phil has already taken Wilbur home, gave him a bath and gave him some new clothes to sleep in.  Wilbur is sitting on the couch, his attention not to the cartoon Phil has put on the Tv, but on his new surroundings. The house is cosy, the house covered in plants and paintings, trophies on display around the room. 

Reference for the exterior 

Wilbur glances over to the man who had taken him in, Phil working on making a hot chocolate for Wilbur

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Wilbur glances over to the man who had taken him in, Phil working on making a hot chocolate for Wilbur. Phil feels a stare on his back and turns around to see Wilbur staring at him. He holds no anger in his eyes, only what seemed to be gratefulness and love? Wilbur slowly got up from the couch, his eyes glued to Philza. Phil turns around to continue with the hot chocolate when he feels a soft grip around his leg.

Wilbur is standing there, his tiny arms wrapped around Phil's leg in a tight hug. "Thank you, Dad". That shocks Phil. He's silent, but apparently too long as Wilbur starts to softly cry. Phil immediately goes out of his state of shock to lean down and hug Wilbur. 

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry" Wilbur chants, sobbing in Phil's arms. All Phil can do is hold Will  tight and whisper reassuring words into his ears. 

"I'm sorry, I was just shocked you called me dad is all." Phil spoke to the calmer child still clinging to his arms. 

"Was is bad? I'm sorry" Wilbur whimpered again, sounding weak and broken. 

"No, no. It was fine, you can call me dad if you want." Phil said with a smile on his face. 

"Okay, dad"

The night ended with Phil and Wilbur cuddling in Phil's bed, fast asleep. 

Words - 785

Hope you guys enjoyed the first part of this series. Just to point out, that there will be stories in this, you will know if it's part of a story by the symbol I put next to its name, like the heart I used for this one. - Kai 

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