Chapter 38: Breaking News

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    Tony hadn't had a breakfast this big since Christmas. Sure, they had nice breakfasts while they were in space, but it was nothing this extravagant. Was everyday like a holiday here? There was so much food spread out on the table in front of him it was overwhelming.

    But not as overwhelming as the silence at the table.

    He had been sitting there with Spencer, Bruce, and Brunnhilde for a while now, and they had hardly spoken a word. It was unusual, as normally his friends were incredibly talkative. They were short, seeing as Heimdall was guarding the new Bifrost and Korg, Miek, Rocket, and Groot were out wandering somewhere in the palace. Tony guessed they weren't in the mood for breakfast. Or at least not what humans and Asgardians deemed breakfast. Even without the rest of them at the table, Tony thought the silence between them was strange. What was really puzzling was the fact Thor, Loki, Anja, and Layla still hadn't made it down to eat. It certainly wasn't like Thor to miss a meal.

    "Any idea where the others are?" he asked, breaking the unnatural silence.

    It was Spencer who spoke up first. "Going to guess they're sleeping in," she stated with a shrug. "You know they were probably up late now that they've had some privacy."

    "Consider yourselves lucky you weren't in the medbay with Anja and Loki," Bruce shuddered. "Public display of affection doesn't even begin to cover it."

    Tony shook his head. "Ugh. Spare me the details," he said, unable to hide his disgust. "Trying to eat here."

    "Oh, for shame, Stark," another voice joined the chat. "I thought you'd love to hear about our escapades."

    Tony glanced up from his plate to see Loki and Anja standing at the end of the table. Loki was smirking down at him, obviously feeling rather proud of himself. Anja's arm was linked tightly with his, and her free hand rested on his bicep. She was smiling- something that Tony hadn't seen in quite some time between the separate journeys in space and the fight in the medbay last night. She was dressed in a short black dress, which was unusual for a mere breakfast. But what really caught Tony's attention was the golden tiara nestled in her hair. Something was up.

    "No, I'm quite alright," Tony insisted. "What's up with the tiara?"

    Anja continued to smile, blushing slightly.

    Loki answered for her, "You'll find out in due time, Stark. I don't think it's fair to share the news while we're missing part of the group."

    News? That got Tony's attention. What could possibly have happened since they had been back that was newsworthy enough to have an announcement? All he had done since they'd been there was shower and sleep. Surely that wasn't worth broadcasting to the entire group. His rational side kicked in, reminding him that there was a tiara involved and certainly that meant a lot more than sleeping and bathing.

    The snarky remark died in his throat as he saw Thor and Layla enter the room, looking just as jubilant as Anja and Loki. Something was definitely up. It was only further confirmed for him as Thor and Loki shook hands, bumping shoulders in the process. Since when were they buddy-buddy again?

    "About time you two showed up," he called out to them.

    Thor laughed. "Sorry we are late, friends. Time escaped us this morning."

    "Riiiiiiiight," Brunnhilde replied, a sly smirk on her face.

    Tony decided he was going to cut right to the chase. "Your brother said you had news to share?"

    Thor smiled, glancing at his brother. "Ah yes. We have a few things to announce this morning. Let us sit, and we shall discuss it all."

    Thor, Loki, and the girls sat down at the head of the table; Thor and Layla sat on one side, while Anja and Loki sat across from them. The four of them took a few moments to get situated and put some food on their plates. Tony waited anxiously for someone- anyone- to break whatever these announcements were. They had to be important if Loki wouldn't break the news without Thor being present. The two of them had rarely been on the same page this entire adventure, so that alone proved to Tony that this news was a big deal. Anything that put them on the same side had to be. After what seemed like an eternity, and after filling his plate, Thor cleared his throat.

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