Settling In, Making Friends

Start from the beginning

"OK, sure" she responds and smiles back at me
"Tee do you want to come with me and Lola I'm just doing a tour" Mike says
"Yeah sure" Tee says holding my hand

Mike leads on, going across the corridor and down the stairs with me and tee shortly behind. Halfway through the stairs two little kids were crawling up the stairs backwards. One had messy blonde hair, a toy giraffe and was a boy another had curly red hair, a cute bracelet and was a girl. I tut and gasped as they were going up because of how adorable they were.

"This is Harry and Floss" said Tee saying Aww as they carried on
"Say hi, don't be shy, this is Lola she's super nice" Tee then said
"Hi." they both said, floss getting up and hugging me her arms wrapping at the top of my stomache.
I put my hand on my heart and opened my mouth in a small circle shape, looking at Tee.
"Bye" They both said resuming with their stairs game.

"What on Earth are you two doing anyway" Mike said
"Practising for the funtastic tournament games" Harry said
"The what-" Mike said not even knowing what to say just stammering lots of random letters.

We eventually got into the kitchen/dining room and Mike told me when breakfast started and told me what chores I had, thankfully it wasn't Alot. I mean some would say that my chores are overbearing but compared to doing everything everyday for my grandpa this was a definite improvement.

"Right out here is the office where you, most of the time, will find me if I'm not playing football or snacking on MayLi's buiscits" Mike says while laughing at the end

"Are you excited to see the king off all rooms, the living room" Tee said doing jazz hands in the direction of the supposed living room
I nodded.
I got to the living room where the 'football people' (that I saw outside) where panting, sweating and fanning themselves with their hands.

"Hello, how are you?" said a woman with a red face and scruffy hair, she put her thumbs up almost as if she knew that I didn't like speaking - she must be MayLi.
I smiled and gave a thumbs up

"MIKE THE BATHROOM TAP WONT TURN Off" exclaimed dave from upstairs. One second later there was a ringing noise resembling an alarm clock

"ooh the chicken is done" MayLi said rushing off to the kitchen
"COMING DAVE" Mike screamed running out the room

"Amber is that your chocolate" said a small, squeaky girl
"Yes why-" A girl with blonde hair and green football boots said before gasping
"Nah you ain't getting that from me" (probably)Amber said quickly running towards the door leading to the garden, the small girl running behind.
Now in the room was me, Tee, Bailey and the three other boys playing football.

(There is subtle flirting here)

One of the boys whistled and snapped his fingers Infront of the sofa where he was sitting, although he was sitting on the top.
It was almost like he was signalling to me to go Infront of him. I looked back at Tee a bit frightened

"Don't worry that's just my brother,Johnny, he's only doing that because he's out of breath" Tee says reassuringly

I nod and approach Johhny. I skip towards the sofa and finally jump when I get Infront of him. He pointed to this wooden table table with seven labeled water bottles on top. Tee grabbed two bottles labeled 'Rick' and 'Austin'. I grabbed the ones labeled 'Johnny' and 'Bailey'. I went over to Johnny and jumped on the sofa giving the bottle to Johnny.

Johnny started to drink the bottle so fast. He finished it in one lift-of-the-bottle. He exhaled loud and said thank you, looks like he was able to talk.

"Wow your short aren't you" snickered Johnny.
"Johnny be nice to Lola!" said Tee
"Fine I like your (beautiful) brown hair lola" Johnny said in a deep voice
"Johnny did you just say her hair was boring" Tee said crossing her eyebrows
"Don't worry lola I think brown hair is awesome and pretty, it suits you" Tee responded hugging me
"Y-yeah I said boring because brown hair is basic" stuttered Johnny

Tee and I scoffed at his response. All I could think of was how he was so rude but his voice was so manly.
I then gave the remaining bottle to Bailey, he too drank the bottle extremely quick and in one shot.

"Ayo fish lemme tell you sum" Bailey said yawning
"Why didn't you do that header ball to me" he said
"Because she's not an obnoxious brat" Johnny said
"You calling me obnoxious. Square up then. I SAID SQUARE UP" Bailey exclaimed
"Johnny don't" Tee said, her voice breaking
"Woah lads stop" Said another boy
"Calm yourselfs Bailey and Johnny" Another said
I backed away looking at everyone worried

At the same time I sort of enjoyed the beef, it was exhilarating.

Mental diary~
-So there is a girly-girl who is really Sassy and savage who lives here, she seems awsome
-Literally no one can stand the monstrocity: Mason the frustration. Not even the adults
-Mike is a farther figure and honestly doesn't get paid enough
-Seven people here like football
-two of the girls who like football fight over chocolate
-Tee is a super sweet girl who is an indefinate bff. Also she is an introvert and I'm an extrovert so we are opposites attract but still very similiar
-MayLi sounds really empathetic but apart from that don't know that much
-Johnny has a deep voise, sorry I can't think of anything else I mean the rudeness and good intentions put things into equilibrian so obviously I'm going to bang on about how he sounds like a growing boy. (seriously I'm sorry but you gotta do what you gotta do)
-Bailey is really competitive but I know he has a soft side to him or a really broken past.

Mason the frustration: -1/10 |All those things the girly-girl said were probably true
Dave: 10/10 |The fact he is the only chef shows the dedication in him
Mike: 10/10 |He fixes sinks, helps children settle in, he steals his coworkers buiscits and he plays football
MayLi: 10/10 |Really Hip and trendy, plays football
Floss: 10/10 |Adorable she hugged me
Harry: 10/10 |Literally the boy version off floss except he is very energetic
Tee: 10/10 |A sweetie, my first friend and backed me up when the boys bullied me
Amber: ?/10 |I'm not sure who she is I only have an idea, and that is she is the blonde hair girl
Bailey: 5/10 |A cow bag but very masculine and cool
Johnny: 2/10 |A cow bag but feminine

(I'm definitely doing a Soon to be Mr Taylor after I've finished this)
(The story will be from a boys perspective which is rare on this app)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2020 ⏰

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