"I died...didn't I?"

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"Ugh...my head hurts like hell!"
I felt a sharp pain in my head the moment I woke up.In a moment of confusion I looked around to see nothing just pure nothing.
"Is this heaven or hell? Or am I dreaming? No, if I recall correctly, I slipped on the stairs and fell to my untimely death"
I was still a pathetic human trash even until my very last moment.

"Did you regret the decisions you made in your last life?" Said an oddly mysterious voice.
"Umm, even though I lived a pretty crappy life, I never regret anything I did"
Wait a minute, is that shady voice god?! If so then god has such a fine voice indeed.

"What would you do if you were to be given a second chance?" Said that fine voice again.

"I would probably messed it up just like how my last life went, so there's really no needs for you to be so generous with me. I honestly just want to quickly finish this and probably confess my sins or something because my eyes have sin so many times on the internet. I'm a cultured nerd who crushes on 2D men just so we're clear."

"👁👄👁" said the suave voice (not literally)

"Don't judge me! Only god can judge me"
"......oh wait you are god...."
"Well aren't you a noisy one, amusing but noisy.
Well too bad,you don't have the right to choose" said that handsome voice.
"What?! You're giving me something I don't even want?!"
"What the heck?!"

The Villainess Wants To Escape Death Where stories live. Discover now