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اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.


" hoe we been talm bout dis trip fa a whole month fuck is you not packed fa " I asked my bestfriend cherish through FaceTime

" Shayyy chilll we still got time hoe  " cherish said mugging me through the camera

" say you kno- " I stared to say but cut myself off by hanging up on her dumb ass ..

So me an cherish r going on a trip to Atlanta she been bugging me to go on this damn trip , den when the day come she ain't even packed an it takes ha Hellas to pack she so dumb bra .

I heard my door open I looked up an it was my brother sekani .

" brotherrrr I misted you so much " I said as I jump up in his arms

" now you kno ion do all this simp shit , now get cho ass off me . " he said mugging me .

" damn no ' I misted you to ' yo fake as hell kani " I said pouting getting off him going in the kitchen

" yo kno I missed yo ball head ass to " he said laughing huggin me .

" oh my god my brotha misted me " I yelled hugging him back

" girl chill out " he said chuckling

" now where my niece at lil nigga" I asked getting a fruit water out da fridge

" ha mama acting like a bitch bra , cause ion wanna be in a relationship with her " he said sighing

" she lame as fuck , but when I come back from Atlanta imma get her for you " I said looking up,at him .

" what yu going to Atlanta for and coo " he said mugging me .

" cause df I can I'm grown " I said walking off laughing


𝙎𝙠𝙞𝙥 𝙥𝙡𝙖𝙣𝙚 𝙧𝙞𝙙𝙚..

" we still going to the concert tonight , or we just gone go to the one inna tomorrow " cherish asked as she plopped on the hotel bed .

" nah we probably just got to ace and jay concert " I replied texting my li yea back .

" coo you kno keyanta got us backstage tickets nshit " cherish said

" coo coo " I replied nodded while looking at business emails

" you know what you wearing to the concert are nah ? " I asked putting my phone doing going over to my suitcase

" yea , but then nah " she said shrugging

" ight coo so look , I made both us us a matching outfit " I said pulling them out my suite cause .

" look " I say

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