Chapter Two: Sword

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Holy shit it's been a while. Again. Well, whatever. Here I go.
Well, sword's aren't made instantly, so Astro and co. are gonna go do something else, and, after much deliberation by RWBY, they decided to tour him around Vale and maybe find some shit out about Astro in the process. But first...

Ruby: "Here, take this! It's a scroll that can be used for a lot of things, but mainly communication. It probably won't work in space, though."

Ruby ponders curiously. Would it work in space? Probably not.

Yang: "I took the liberty of giving your scroll number to the blacksmith. Lemme show you how to talk to people..."

Little timeskip brought to you by me not knowing how scrolls work in particularly deep detail
Yang: "...And that should cover all the important bits. Got that?"

Astro nods.

Yang: "Right, enough of the boring stuff. Let's go have fun!"

Weiss(who I totally didn't forget existed): "Finally. Thought some of my hairs'd go gray from waiting so long."

Ruby: "But isn't your hair white already? How would that work?"

Weiss: "It's a figure of speech."

Ruby: "Oh."

Everything is silent for a few moments.

Blake: "Are we going now?"

Ruby: "Oh yeah! Well, let's get going! What to show you first? The cookie shop? Oooh, maybe the Dust shop!"

Yang: "Well, Astro said he came here to find out what Dust is, so how about the dust shop? It's a while away, so we can show him the cookie shop on the way."

Ruby: "Perfect! You two have anything to add?"

Blake: "The book store is on the way. We could get him some basic stuff, like history and Grimm."

Weiss: "The arena's in the way as well. We could show him a bit of how us Huntresses operate."

Astro: "Sounds good."

Ruby: "Perfect! Let's go, then!"

And off they went.
Timeskip brought to you by me being lazy
Astro: "Well, that was fun."

It was then that Astro decided to check his scroll. He saw that the blacksmith had said around 2 minutes ago that his sword was done, and he had already taken the extra alloy as payment. Astro then taps on Ruby's shoulder.

Ruby: "Hmm? What's up?"

Astro: "Sword's done."

Ruby: "Oh good! Hey guys, Astro's sword is done!"

Yang: "Oh sweet! Let's go grab it."

And off they went again.
Timeskip brought to you by me not knowing what to write here
It was then that they arrived, around 10 minutes later. When Astro opened the door, the blacksmith was just moving it.

Smith: "Oh hey, if it isn't the stranger. Well, here's your sword; it should be to your liking. That alloy's really something; it made for one hell of an edge. You should get quite a bit of use out of that."

The smith, while talking, had given Astro his sword. He was inspecting it and testing the balance. When the smith had finished talking, Astro simply nodded. They exchanged farewells and Astro left to meet an expectant group.

Ruby: "Oh my goodness that looks so cool! And sharp! And tough! That special alloy should be super light, right?"

Yang: "Looks like that could really mess some Grimm up."

Astro simply nods and holds it out to Ruby, gesturing to try it out.

Ruby: "Wow, this really is super light! Really well balanced as well. If you didn't pay the blacksmith in that alloy, this'd cost you a fortune!"

Yang: "Can I hold it?"

Astro nods and Ruby hands the sword to Yang.

Yang: "Wow, this thing weighs nothing! What is that alloy made of? That's weird."

Weiss: "That looks to be a quality sword. Mind if I try it out?"

Astro starts getting a tad impatient, but nods anyways. Weiss does a couple things, such as holding it out in her outstretched arms and doing a couple disinterested swings and jabs.

Weiss: "Well, it's quite the nice sword, I'll say that much. I may have to get some of that alloy myself."

Weiss then hands Astro's sword back to him, which he then puts in its sheathe.

Astro: "I could bring some extra back if you want. I've got quite a bit back home."

Weiss: "Really?!"

Weiss then takes a second to recollect herself.

Weiss: "I mean, if you're willing to spare some, I'd appreciate it."

Astro simply nods.

Ruby: "Well, it's getting pretty late. We should probably head back to Beacon now."

And so they did.
And that's it. Not a particularly interesting or long chapter, but a chapter nonetheless. Bye.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2020 ⏰

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