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Biana wanted to meet her Soulmate. It was a simple fact. She would be lying if she said that's she wasn't a tiny bit jealous when Sophie met Keefe. They were so... Perfect. Biana wanted that.
She had left Sophie for a bit to find his brother, she ended up missing ten minutes of cafeteria, maybe he was already there. She walked to the cafeteria looking at her feet, her shoes were pink. She as sure a whole majority of her outfit was pink. She had started a unnatural attraction to the colour after she had gotten her mark. She shot stop by now. It was no use.
She sighed, and as she was looking up because she heard Sophie's voice she felt her foot slip and she screamed shut her eyes shut as she hit the floor.
Sorta. Biana opened her eyes to stare back into a soft blue ones. She opened her mouth to say something but no voice came out...
"Pink is overrated."
Biana frozed. She wasn't thinking as she said the next part,
"I personally like black more."
Tam stared at the girl ontop of him, he personally wasn't too big on soulmates and everything. He hadn't even given much thought to it when his mark first appeared but as he stared into the teal eyes of her Tam felt... Belonged.
"You can get off me now." Tam whispered to her, she blushed and fumbled off him muttering sorry. She stopped as she saw everyone in the cafeteria was staring at them.
Before he knew what he as doing Tam grabbed the girls and hand and took off running out of the cafeteria, into the corridors and out into the garden.
It was when the reached a shady tree he stopped. Not knowing what he did or why he did it.
He looked at the girl again and he realized he was still holding her hand. Tam quickly let go and cleared his throat, he then offered her his hand again. He didn't know why he acted so... Awkard. But the girl was really pretty. No. His Soulmate. His Soulmate was gorgeous.
He really wanted to know her name. "Tam."
The girl looked shocked and then got out of it and accepted his hand. "Biana."
Biana couldn't stop staring at Tam, because this couldn't be possible. She had often made up various of ways she would meet her Soulmate and what he would look like and what he would be like and sound like- The point was when she had met Tam or more accurately "fallen" into him. Her whole body felt right, as if she was meant to be there. Here. With him and no where else.
"Sophie's going to kill me when I get back." Biana cleared the silence between them, she flopped on to the ground and leaned against the trunk of the tree. Tam stared at her for a moment longer until he also joined her. Biana couldn't ignore of the fact that he was so close.
"Linh is going to hung me alive with questions once I get back."
Biana laughed and then abruptly stopped, "Your Linh's brother?"
Tam looked at her and then nodded, "I have no idea how I've never met you."
Biana nodded and then stared up into the sky, "I've been friends with her for years and I knew she had a brother but I've never really thought about it..."
"So what's the deal with the pink." Tam gestured to her outfit and Biana blushed. Agh. Sophie was getting to her.
"I've had a strange connection to it since I've gotten my mark." She showed him her mark. The exact words he had said to her a few moments ago. "I know it's weird and-"
"No, it's not. I honestly think it's cute." Biana smiled as she saw Tam blush when he realized what he said.
"Well, like I said I prefer black more."
Tam looked like he was about to say something but he was interrupted,
Biana got up as she saw her brother approaching them.
When he reached them Fitz glanced back eyeing Tam who offered him a slight wave.
"Um... What are you guys doing here? I've been searching for you all throughout the school and Tam... What..." Fitz looked at her expecting answers and Biana knew she has to tell him.
"Oh... Tam's my soulmate." Biana expected the words to feel strange in her mouth but she felt like she had said them all her life, as if she was meant to say them.
Fitz's expression changed quick, from frustration to confusion to a bit of anger and at last tired. "That's great. But we have to go now..."
Biana frowned, she has to go because she had just met her Soulmate.
"Why? Is it because-"
Fitz looked tired and he kept glancing at his phone, "No, it's not because of that... I was searching for you because Mom texted me."
The next words he said knocked the air out of Biana's lungs and she paled.
"Alvar's coming home."

In another Universe. A FOSTER-KEEFE AU.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu