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Sophie stared as Tam strided into the cafeteria as if nothing had happened but Biana wasn't there before she could ask anything the bell rung marking the end of cafeteria and Tam left.
Sophie sighed as she too got out of her seat and starred to leave.
Sophie froze and looked back to see Keefe doing students to make it to her, motioning her to stay where she is.
"Has Biana or Fitz texted you?" Keefe asked as he stopped infront of her.
Sophie took out her phone and glanced at it, no messages.
Sophie shook her head, "Why is something wrong?"
Keefe tore his hand through his hair, "Fitz just stormed out on me and Biana just dissapeared and Tammy boy isn't the least bit helpful."
He looked genuinely concerned that Sophie reached out and touched his shoulder, "I'm sure their fine. There probably in class right now."
Keefe stared at her hand and Sophie quickly took it back and placed it at her side.
Keefe opened his mouth to say something but before he could,
"Miss Foster! Keefe, thank goodness I found you two together." Their principal strided beside them and stood firm. Sophie didn't know if she was supposed to feel scared or confused.
"Is something wrong?" Keefe looked like he had many conversations with the principal.
Principal Alina bit her lip and continued, "Alden Vacker just contacted me... It seems that Biana and Fitz was taken out of school today due to a family emergency he said. And he required you two to be taken out as well."
Sophie stared at her dumbfounded, "Why would..."
Sophie couldn't finish the sentence as a thousand things dashed thriughy her head. Has something happened? Has someone gotten hurt?
"I believe Mr Sencen has a car? They didn't tell me what exactly was the family emergency but they did say they needed both you their." Alina handed them both slips, "You are excused out of school for today now go. Alden sounded..." The principle's face changed, "...broken."
Sophie didn't know who was holding onto who but during the walk to Keefe's car their hands has gotten tangled and they were leaning onto each other.
Keefe opened the car for her and Sophie got in, she was trying to stop the wild possibilities of what has happened to come to her head.
"They are okay. I'm sure their fine." Keefe said as he started the ignition and took onto the road. Keefe's phone buzzed with a call and he immediately picked it up.
Sophie earnestly watched as Keefe's expression changed, his other hand tightened on the wheel until his knuckles were white.
"I'm driving, I'll talk to you when I get there." Keefe hung up and almost threw his phone away.
"Did something happen? What did Fitz say?"
Keefe sighed and moved the car to a stop, once it was stopped he buried his hands in his face. Sophie couldn't watch him like this so it didn't seem odd to her at all as she reached over and wrapped him in a hug.
Keefe took a sharp intake and stayed for a moment until he pushed her back and avoided her gaze, "I can't go with you Foster."
Sophie's heart twisted, "What do you mean?"
Keefe sighed, "My father. He wants me home. Alina must have told him I'm out of school or something."
Sophie didn't understand why his father could possibly want him home but from the way that he looked...
"Okay, then. I'll go with you."
Keefe froze, "No, you can't. My family... You can't Sophie."
Sophie reached and wrapped her hand hand around his, "I'm not letting you go alone. Our best friends need help right now, I'm sure they are fine but we both need to go together..." She stayed silent for a beat more as Keefe stared at their tangled hands.
"I'm your soulmate, remember? Where you go, I go." Sophie couldn't help but smile at the phrase it was something her uncle used to say...
Keefe smiled back at her, "Okay, then let's go home."

In another Universe. A FOSTER-KEEFE AU.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt