He sees you feeding them...?

Start from the beginning

"Mhm" you nodded

Shoto had always been a gentleman when it came to you or anyone else for that matter

He grew up with the goal to respect women

And he succeeded at that goal every single day

So you weren't too surprised when he politely looked away when you fed one of the twins

But you just wanted to know why exactly

Sure he wasn't being forced to look at you but you didn't care if he saw

He was your husband after all

And he's seen you before...

Until today

You had just set Kumi down in her crib and then you picked up Hinote because it was his turn to eat

So you did your normal routine

You grabbed a rag and sat down in the rocking chair

Hinote started to eat when the door creaked open

Todoroki was honestly expecting you to be just finishing up with putting Hinote down for his nap

But you must have been running a bit behind

"Are you ready to go watch a movie my lo-.."

He gasped

"Forgive me!I didn't realize you were still taking care of business!"

"Sho...it's ok!I don't mind that you saw"

"But it was impolite of me..."

"Nonsense Sho!"

You were a bit shy when it came to breastfeeding around people and Hitoshi

And he respected that very well

He never pushed trying to look

He was a true gentleman about it

But the fact that he saw was a complete accident

If he could choose to go back in time and tell his past self not to go into the bedroom then he most definitely would

Because he hated that fact that you looked so embarrassed when it happened

You had thought that Yumi was probably needing a change of scenery

Something other then her room

So you brought her into you and Hitoshi's shared bedroom

But you forgot that Hitoshi could most definitely walk in whenever he wanted

Because you didn't inform him that you were in the room today with Yumi

He walked into the bedroom looking for his blanket

Then he laid eyes on you and Yumi


You feeding Yumi

Your eyes widened and you gasped with burning cheeks

"O-Oh my god!I'm so sorry!Please forgive me Kitten!"

"It's o-ok Toshi!I-I should have t-told you!"
You said while squeezing your eyes shut from embarrassment

"Gosh...I'll...I'll make it up to you" he said while going out of the room

He cooked your favorite meal for dinner that night

Sero grew up in a strict home

And in that strict home you were taught to respect women

And it definitely showed

He was a gentleman

He would do things like buy you roses,kiss the back of your hand,and open doors for you

Ya know...the things real men do for their significant other

So back to the point...

He was so worried about always treating you with respect so when it came to you breastfeeding he would respectfully not look

He didn't want you to feel uncomfortable or as if he was staring so he simply looked away

But shit happens...

And yeah...

He saw...

You were feeding Ren while Haru napped after he got his lunch because Haru just had to be first otherwise he'd flip out

Ren on the other hand seemed to care less if he went last

You were just about to finish up with Ren when the door opened to reveal Hanta

"Babe would you like grilled cheese with your soup...OH GOD I'M SO SORRY MI AMOR!"

"Uhm...it's ok...you're my husband it's not like you're some random..."

"Well yes...but I didn't know if you wanted me to see...." he said covering his eyes

"Trust me...it's ok...you were gonna see sooner or later...plus you e already seen my boobs" you giggled

"You say it with no shame" he sighed as he walked away

"And yes I'd like some grilled cheese" you said loud enough so he could hear you

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