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Jacklyns first day in Hawkins was less than ideal

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Jacklyns first day in Hawkins was less than ideal. It involved a shit ton of unpacking and a fuck ton more of bs she had to deal with.

In the end she and Max decided to skate to the arcade, Jack on roller blades and Max on a skateboard. Maybe it's fun, who knows, but it's better than watching Billy and his father scream at each other.

When they arrived Jacklyn was dragged to go watch max play games. Max set up her skateboard against the machine and started playing a game called 'DigDug'.

She'd never lie because truthfully, when she saw the name of the game she let out a scoff and rolled her eyes.

Jacklyn watched her twin sister thoughtfully, though she was clearly bored with watching. Jack noticed people crowd around and noticed Max had reached the high score.

"Nice go, Maxie Pad," she giggled at her own joke, tossing her hair behind her shoulder as she watched her sister grab her skateboard and point for the door.

"Shut up Jack'O'Lantern," she spoke with an eye roll to top it off. Max ran outside where as Jacklyn took her time.

By the time the female got outside two things were missing. Maxine, for starters. And second her locket. She had it in her pocket due to hating chains around her neck.

Jacklyn glided back inside and searched by digdug, "excuse me." No one moved so she waited. Well it was fun until she bent down to grab the locket off the floor and she banged her head against another person's.

As she looked up so did the teenage boy. They looked at each other with widened eyes and their mouths almost dropped if it weren't for the shocking sight.

In that moment Jacklyn believed in love at first sight.

Jack shook her head and tugged on the locket in his hand, "may I have my locket back?" She giggled lightly as she saw his flustered face.

"Y-yeah, whatever. Try not to lose it again." He spoke sounding very annoyed with the girl in front of him.

"Sure buddy, what's your name?" She bluntly said, not really caring.

"Mike Wheeler, what about you mystery girl?" The Wheeler kid spoke before he noticed the others attention drawn on another.


Jacklyn started following William Byers, she felt attached the moment she saw him. She spoke after she got out of her daze, "hey! Kid, get back inside!"

Mike grabbed her shoulder and walked a little closer, "Will," his voice was full of concern as the shorter one snapped out of it.

Will or whatever his name was looked over and saw the redhead behind mike, his face flashed with confusion for a bit before he saw the girl skate away. Will headed to the door, whilst mike had other ideas.

"Hey! I'm gonna figure out your name, Mystery!" Mike yelled after her. All the girl did was turn around and give him a quick thumbs up. After that she went back home, expecting to be yelled at by her mother.

552 words!
I know this is short but this is just introduction!

I hope you enjoy this book! If you have any comments, questions or concerns feel free to comment it! Oh and please vote! It helps a lot!

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