The Bayside Triangle part 1

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"Look what I got!" Jessie sang as she jogged over to Kelly and Slater. she held out a stack of pictures as she approached, I just got these from Lisa's fashion show developed!"
Kelly and Slater peered over her shoulders
as she flipped through pictures of last week.

Here we are setting up the fashion show!"

She said excitedly " Oh Kelly there's you in the dress I sewed!" Why is your hand coming up through the neck?" Slater asked tilting his head sideways and studying the picture.

Let's just say that sewing is the one area Jessie fails." Kelly kidded her Jessie tried to give her a stern look, but couldn't help
but cracking a smile.

"Here you are Slater," as Jessie pointed

" Aw," he amused.

"Oh, I saved the best for last"! Jessie told them with excitement as she flipped through the end of stacked pictures.
"Here are Zack and Lisa behind the scenes.
-"kissing!" Then she flipped to the next picture, " Here are they after the show still kissing!" She paused and looked up.
" And here are they now!" she sighed
dreamily . As she watched Zack wearing his purple sweater with Lisa while entering the hall in her purple sweater and white skirt with purple heels.
Slater and Kelly looked up and the three watched as the couple gazed into each other's eyes and walked straight into the school lockers near the staircase face first into the set of lockers.
this relationship is starting to hurt!" he groaned. Then he looked over at Lisa.
" But hey, its worth it!'' he smiled as he wrapped an arm around her.
( TV audience cheers again for Zack and Lisa)
#Zisa #zackmorris #lisaturtle

" Alright enough with the mush!" Jessie approached them, " I need the latest scoop on Bayside's brand new hottest couple! So, what did you do for breakfast? Did Zack drive you to school, Lisa?" Where did you go for your first date?"

"Down girl!'' Lisa warned.

"Jessie, why are you being such a news hound?" Kelly asked shaking her head.

" Spano Speaks got its highest ratings
When I did my report on the Bayside Triangle". Now I have no report of the Olvaltine Outbreak of "92".

"You did a report on us called the Bayside Triangle". Lisa's voice escalated as she clenched her fists.

( TV audience laughs)

" Excuse me mind if I play through?"
Screech, oblivious to his friend's conversation, interrupted as he wheeled in a set of golf clubs.

"Screech did you raid your grandfather's closet?" Zack laughed approaching his dorky best buddy. Screech's ridiculous apparel of a gray newsboy hat, and brown bowtie, red plaid vest, and brown pants broke all of the tension "What are you doing?"

" Practicing! The miniature golf team has a major tournament today!" He informed Zack as he pulled out one of his golf clubs.
Then reached into his staff bag and pulled out an egg. He gazed in admiration.

"Is that a hard boiled egg?" Lisa asked confused, but amused.

"Yeah, budget cuts are so bad we're using these instead of golf balls"! Screech chirped with a lopsided face.

" Well at least if you don't win you'll have a great snack for the ninth!" Zack joked.

" Hey the football team is starting to feel the budget crunch too!" Slater chimed in.
" We have to use fat nerds as tackling dummies", he informed. The rest of the gang chuckled.

( TV audience laughs again)

" At least you guys have uniforms". Kelly complained. " We don't have anything to wear for volleyball"

Zack's eyebrows went up, and turned quickly
towards her. " Really i have to check out your next game!" he let out a low whistle.

Lisa crossed her arms not a bit amused.
" Excuse me". she glared at him batting her eyes.

" Oh sorry," he apologized, " that was a reflex action". He smiled sheepishly.

" This talk about budget cuts would make a great new story! You're off the hook, Lisa",
Jessie patted Lisa on the back. Lisa sighed and put her hands on her hip.
Meanwhile, Screech set the egg on the ground. " Four!" he yelled as he swung his golf club with full force at the egg. It splat right on Mr. Belding's door. Kelly, Lisa,
Slater, and Zack all covered their eyes and groaned.

"Oops"! I guess that was a soft boiled ball"!
He rested his club on the ground and whistled innocently.

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