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"So your telling me a mate is a soulmate for a werewolf. Stop kidding around. " I laugh, something I haven't done in a while. 

"I'm telling you the truth. What do you want me do? Prove it. " He ask and just for the hell of it I nod. I know he is pulling at my leg. He grabs my hand and the tingles come back. He pulls me up and walks toward the door. Both of us not talking. He pulls me along towards the wood. I look at are hands interlaced. A blush rushes up my cheek. When we stop Jaxon lets go of my hand. Missing his touch, I try and reach for it but drop it when I realize what he is doing. He pulls his pants down. Like a 16 year old girl I cover my face with my hands. 

"Put your pants back on!" I yell, trying not to peek.

"chill. I don't want to rip my cloths." He tells me and I shake my head. 

" Your not a wolf." I tell him. Realizing that I feel safe with him and this is the most Ive talked. Why can't he stop joking around. A growl ripples through air and I start to here bones pop and crack. I gasp and drop my hands, feeling a wet nose hit my leg. Jaxon wasn't kidding. he really is a werewolf. A huge jet black wolf stands in his place, his ears lay flat on his head. Laying on his stomach. Jax's right eye looks the same but his left is golden. 

"what" I ask to the wolf. Please say this isn't real. It can't be real I sit on the ground, leaves crunching underneath my body. The wolf nudges my hand, I pet behind his ears. I don't know why but I feel safe with him. A yawn come's out. My eyes soon grow heavy and I'm asleep, my head on the wolfs back. 

                                                            -A few hours later- 

My eyes flutter open and I  notice the black covers on me. The gold outline on the bed frame and the walls. It looks like a kings room. The bed is soft and the pillows are fluffy, the shades a pulled down. I try to get up but a arm holds me down. Thats when I notice Jax is laying next to me, his arm on my stomach. 

A cry comes from next to me and I'm pulled closer to him. I look over to see tears rushing down Jax's cheek and sweat dripping  down his forehead.  Something I'm so used to, a nightmare. " Wake up" I say shaking his shoulder. Jax jumps up with a small scream. I nuzzle my head in his neck,  hugging him. 

"I-It's going to be okay. No one is going to hurt you. " I mumble. He's searching for any danger. Jax then looks down at me. His eye's soft and child-like. 

"Are you okay?" I ask and looks down at my hands. The scars on my wrist tells a story and remind me of my past. 

"Fuck. It's the same nightmare every night." Jax shake's his head. He grab's ahold of my chin an tilts my head up. I try to look everywhere  but his eyes. 

"Look at me." Jaxs voice is husky and deep and I would do anything to hear it again. I stare up at him. 

"if you try to leave I will find you." He informs me. He leans in and meets my lips in a kiss. The tingles shoot up and down my body like fireworks. My eyes go wide and I push him away. No. 

"What the hell!" I bellow and rush to a door slamming it open. I  push in and slam it shut. its not  hallway that i wanted but a bathroom. I go and sit on the bathtub. Everything from today rushes in my mind and I start to cry. I can't believe he kissed me. 

" Get out of the fucking bathroom." He yells while banging on the door. 

"No!" I get up and start to look threw drawers. Trying to find a razor. I open a drawer to see a open box of condoms. Am I just a  fuck toy to him? Was the mate thing a joke? The pit in my stomach grows. Is that why he wants me to stay? To fuck. I rush out the door holding the box. 

"I guess your going to need to find m-me" My voice is weak again. I throw the box at him and rush out the house. No way am I allowing someone use me again. 

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