𝐓𝐖𝐄𝐋𝐕𝐄, thin white lies

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act two, chapter twelve
❛when the sun goes down, we all get lonely, watch me as i disappear. these empty sounds and endless stories❜


𝙋enelope was a quiet person, sure, she was mysterious, sure. But Elora hadn't expected this. Three weeks had passed without Penelope and Remus until they just appeared one day, Penelope's arm bandaged and Remus limping. After that, Penelope had showed Elora the Mark and if Elora wasn't tending to the plants in Hufflepuff Basement, she would've plopped down right there and then. She now sat with the Marauders and Penelope in the kitchens, listening to their story, mostly to Remus', as he had been captured since the 26th of December last year and it's now the 30th of September.

"I had to go through the transformations alone and they always had these men send spells at me and I—"

"You killed them." Elora finished off, eyes wide and Remus swallowed hard before he nodded.

"I didn't mean to but I—"

"You didn't know what you were doing Remus." Elora told him, shaking her head. "If I were you, a werewolf I mean, I wouldn't feel guilty about it. They kill people for a living. They torture children, babies even, elderly people, people who can't fight back, muggles. They don't deserve living." Penelope shrunk in her seat and Elora swallowed hard. "But some of them, the ones I know," She meant Penelope, her brother and Regulus. "They didn't have a choice. They come from evil families and were forced to do it. They had no choice but to be like them."

"It still doesn't make it right Elora." Remus whispered. "I'm not a murderer. I don't kill people."

"I was just saying you should see it as a win-win situation. They might think they're winning, but we know we are winning." She shrugged, sipping her beverage.

"I have something to tell you guys." Penelope spoke up, sniffing. "My sister wasn't prepared to let Rem go, she was going to kill him and I—"

"Penny, what's wrong?" James softly asked and Elora stared at Penelope in shock when tears flowed down her cheeks. Elora knew her best friend, Penelope never cried unless something big was bothering her. And Elora knew exactly what was bothering her.

"Penny, are you sure you want to tell them?" Elora asked, fearful for her best friend but she saw Penelope nod and Elora sighed, knowing that she can't stop her. Elora just hoped and prayed that Remus and them won't treat her any different.

Penelope rolled up the sleeve of her Ravenclaw robes, the same robes Elora had once pranced around in, avoiding hexes from Penelope as she raced down to the courtyard, where the Marauders had been playing Gobstones with a few other students. It had been a great day that day, 9 January, her birthday and she thought she'd treat herself to something nice. After she had stole Penelope's robes, she nicked Peter's and pretended that she was Sirius. The boy hadn't been impressed, but James had been, even snapping a picture of her with Patrick Creevey's camera. To top that all up, she stole her brother's robes and she pretended to be Narcissa. Even though she got a scolding from Penelope, who had laughed at her Narcissa interpretation, that evening, it had been the best day of her life.

𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐌 𝐎𝐅 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋𝐒 | R. LUPIN	✓जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें