deviant android and a god

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a/n: i was rewatching detroit become human, and i thought i'd give this a little twist and turn with the crime TVA situation going on with the loki series. (you don't have to have watched detroit become human to understand this shot)
summary: you, an android works as loki's crime partner. he seems to have found out your little secret, and he confronts you.
warnings: mentions of murder and violence, no spoilers in here if you haven't watched all the way through.
wc: 1000

having an android as his crime partner was certainly interesting.
loki thought when TVA told him he was going to have some help on his missions, he thought he'd have a real person. but instead, loki got a robot.

at first, he was annoyed by you; your immediate actions on the case, and how you'd be right on it doing your homework on the mission. you barely gave him a chance to breathe when you both got something new assigned.

but soon as the third mission had past without success, he was baffled by you.

the way you sprinted, bolting down the rooftop and swinging yourself over and chasing after the deviant. he was amazed that you managed to catch up until he mucked it up himself, getting himself caught up and thrown off the roof's edge.

but that's what baffled him the most. an android, set to do tasks and missions; chose to save him instead of running after the deviant. even though loki felt slightly guilty for slipping up, this made him grow a liking to you. something about you just clicked with him all of a sudden; right there in that moment.


"mr. laufeyson, how shall we approach this?" you said, awfully cheery for someone sprawled out cold in front of you.
"we take a calm approach, you say they were killing for self defense?"
you nod in reply, "then that's what we'll do. behind me. if they attack, attack back."
"of course, sir."

walking out, you were greeted with a dark room, nothing but the light flickering above the door, indicating the staff room. this is where you said the deviant ran off too; let's hope this wasn't going to be too difficult and life-risking.

opening the door, loki pull his arm out between the two of you - almost as if he was coating you with a protecting manor.
you pulled his arm down from you, walking out in front as he stopped in confusion.

"y/n. don't get cocky."

soon as he said those words, you're pulled and slammed against the wall, but you managed to kick away whoever it was - likely the deviant.
across from where you walked in, loki bolted and tackled the deviant to the ground, the yellow indicator flashing red as loki wrestles with the suspect.

you walk up, "are you the cause of oliver fawks, eugene?"
"no! i would never!" the suspect squirms and cries, "i'm sorry! let go of me! you scared me! i'm sorry i attacked you!"
loki continues to pin the guy down, giving him a punch.
"sir. please, let go of the deviant."
he looks up at you, giving you a concerned look before he gets off.

without hesitation, you pick the deviant up by it's collar, propping it upright as it shivered, "are you the cause of oliver fawks?"
"calm down, we won't hurt you, eugene."
"how do you know my name?"
"that doesn't matter for now," you say, calmly, "all we need to know is if you killed oliver, that's all we need to know as of now. you'll be okay." you lied.

loki could tell you were lying, playing with the system of manipulation. as much as you were an android and nothing but a machine, he admired that you acted like a human; almost as if he rubbed off on you a little.

by the time you got eugene to trust you, loki managed to arm himself without eugene realizing, "don't worry eugene; everything is fine, thank you for telling the truth."


"you lied to me, y/n." were his final words, and somehow, loki saw some sort of emotion on your face. almost as if you were guilty; perhaps sympathizing. grieving?


"you were brilliant today, y/n."
"as were you, sir."
"call me loki. please."
"i insist on being professional."
"you're mine." loki walks in front of you, putting a stop to your walking, he sees some sort of reaction in you. he frowns, suspicious, "you don't have to be professional."

luckily for him, there was a janitor door beside you, he gently pushed you in and locked the door before turning on the light.
"well isn't this cosy?" you say, "what are we doing in here exactly?"
"i won't say this loudly, because i respect you." loki begins, stepping and closing the little amount of space between the two of you bit by bit, "i know something's wrong with you, and you rather tell me now or i get you checked out and reset."

it took you a while before replying, "sir-" you tried, but your subconscious brought you backwards. loki showed his best alluring eyes, trying to defeat the last part of system in you when it came to him.

"i'm an android." you say, "but parts of my system seem to be faulty - in more of a human way."
"knew it." he says, licking his lips in satisfaction, "i knew it." he repeats.
"you knew what? that i was an android, or that i'm more or less human?"
he laughs, and you laugh with him.
that was the first time you laughed with him; the first time you laughed in general.
but your smile soon disappeared, "are you taking me back to the shop?"

"well you are broken, you're not supposed to be like this."
you duck your head, "i'm sorry, loki."
his heart beats a little quicker as he lifts your head with one pale finger, "but even i - a god - is broken too." he says, bending his head down and pressing his lips onto yours, an overwhelming emotion overcoming you; something that you had never felt before.

once he had pulled away, you stood there in shock, feeling all these emotions and feelings for the first time. he smirked at you in admiration, watching you unwind.
you looked up, a small smile on your face before pulling him back in with his tie, pulling your hand up and tangling it in his hair.

what a strange couple this will turn out to be,
a deviant android and a god.

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