Chapter Ten: Off the Table

Start from the beginning

As soon as the words tumbled from his mouth, El gave Mike a fraction of a second to catch his breath before she pressed her lips to his. She smiled as she felt his fingers splay against her hips as he brought her body closer to his. Just before their chests could touch though, El placed a steady hand on his sternum and whispered, "we probably shouldn't make-out in front of the support group – don't want to traumatize these kids any more than they already are."

Having realized the density of her joke, both El and Mike burst into a fit of laughter for a moment before they collected themselves. Trailing her fingers against his cheek, El murmured, "I'm nervous to meet your family because I want them to like me, but I trust you, so I'm ready to meet them when you want me to."

Heaving a heavy sigh of relief, Mike pressed his forehead against hers as he mumbled, "thank God because my mom is dying to meet you."

"Have you been talking about me to your mom, Mike Wheeler?" El teased with a snicker.

Mike blushed and playfully flicked her shoulder before guiding her into the building. Once they were sat amongst the circle, the pair waited in silence with the other group members. When the facilitator finally began the session, they asked each person to reveal something they had recently achieved.

"Who would like to share first?"

Before El could even process it, her hand had shot up from her side. Everyone looked at her curiously as they never expected the quiet girl to initiate a session. As she stood up on shaky limbs, she could feel the soothing burn echoing into her from Mike's eyes; and that was all she needed to feel safe.

"I made some friends," she bluntly disclaimed with a chuckle. El took a breath as she twirled her thumbs before she continued, "and I'm going to continue being open with other people by meeting my boyfriend's family. I'm really nervous because I want them to like me, but I'm proud of myself for letting people in."

Without another word muttered, El was quick to sit herself back into her chair. Her breathing was slightly amped above normal as she processed all she had just revealed. As she reflected, she found a small gasp falling from her mouth as Mike's pinkie finger latched onto hers. Looking at him through her downcast eyelashes, she saw a glimmer of pride within his irises. Then, within an instant, she watched as her boyfriend rose from him seat.

"I finally asked the girl I'm in love with to be my girlfriend and she said yes," Mike's naturally wide grin faltered as he profoundly added, "but the real achievement will be making sure she's always happy, because that's all that matters to me."

Once he had sat back down, the rest of the group members were granted their time to reveal their achievements. As they did so, Mike and El had to work hard to be respectful listeners. Although, the pair couldn't stop themselves from playing footsies to pass the time; almost like they were two magnets, unable to keep themselves apart from one another.

After support group had concluded, Mike guided El back to his car. On the drive to his house, he noticed her fingers trembling against her knee. Sensing the anxiety falling off of her in waves, he pulled the car over a few blocks away from his house.

With confusion painted on her face, El mumbled, "I'm not a stalker, but I know this isn't your house."

Mike analyzed her nervous jitters as he trailed his fingers along her shoulder. He gently pressed a peck to her cheek, smiling to himself as he felt her shaking subside. Squeezing her thigh, he made purposeful eye contact as he murmured, "they're going to love you, I promise."

"I'm just worried they are going to recognize that I'm not good enough for you."

El's troubling words quickly laid in the space between them heavily for a moment. As Mike reflected on what her statement implied, a hurricane of thoughts proceeded to assault his mind. The idea that he was too good for her was outrageously absurd to him. Sure, Mike knew he had potential to be successful in this lifetime. He was intelligent and motivated; however, he knew within his heart that he was made for one specific thing. And that was to love her.

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