I put my seatbelt on.

“Okay, what a nice boyfriend you are” I replied putting my cold keys in the ignition.

“I don’t need you to tell me that,” He informed me as he remembered to put the seat belt on as well. “I’m telling you because I want you to drive me there. Actually she offered that you can stay too,” he explained.

“No, she invited me because you guys would need a ride back home. I’m not stupid Ron.”

“I will veto that.” He laughed.

I pulled out of the parking lot.

“Hey Ron!” a senior girl waved from outside of the car. Ronnie waved and smiled back. Once we were out the parking lot, he continued talking again.

“Well, the plan is that we watch her practice, and afterward we go to the new burger place down by the gas station. And so you won’t be the third wheel, she’s inviting her friend Alice. Remember her, from that beach party” Ron wiggled his eyebrows at me.

“I was drunk and so was she,” I said.

It’s a long story, what happened between me and Alice, but I’ll summarize it. It’s true, I was drunk, so I don’t remember every detail, but there was this big end of the summer party hosted by last year 's juniors, and almost everyone from West Chester came. Alice is Dani’s teammate on the women lacrosse team for West Chester. Ronnie told me that Dani told him that Alice had this huge crush on me so at the party, me and Alice ended up alone, then suddenly making out, then her ex shows up and beats the drunk out of me. Let’s just say he messed me up real bad. So bad I stayed a week at Ronnie’s house so I could recover from my two black eyes. Last time I came home wrecked, my mom called the cops. She just didn’t believe the story I told her which was the truth, I did, in fact, fall from a ledge trying to pull this skate trick.That’s another story.

But anyways, during the last days before school Alice kept assuring me that her ex was long gone, but I didn’t even have feelings for her, so I didn’t get in touch. Now it seems like I have no choice.

“Come on Graham, I already said it’s a date.” He begged.

“Wait, wouldn’t they be coming from lacrosse practice, all sweaty and stinky?”

“Oh yeah, one more thing,” He laughed “ You will also be driving the two girls to Dani’s house to take a quick shower and then they’ll change. After that’s all sorted we will then head to the restaurant.”

“Dude are you crazy? You guys are definitely paying for gas AND the dinner!” I grunted.

“Sure thing, we already sorted it out.” He smiled. “ We are the ones with the jobs.” he chuckled.

“Shut up, I’m working on it.”

We reached our football field that was around the school. You’d think we could've walked to the field but that’s how big West Chester is, or that’s how lazy I am. I pulled into another parking lot and you could hear the gravel being crushed as Hagrid rolled over them. Up ahead you could already tell the practice started. The girls ran up and down the field, while the coach yelled at the girls who couldn’t keep up.

“I hope Alice doesn’t think I’ll be cheering for her.” I said to Ronnie as I turned the car off.

“If you distract them, the coach will yell at you, I learned the hard way.” He laughed as he jumped out of the car.

“Well if that’s the case, I’ll be sleeping in the car. Wake me up when practice ends.” I told him as I yawned.

“Suit yourself, and if you need the bathroom, it’s over there” he pointed to the back of the school. “See ya,” and with that, he started for the bleachers.

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