The Heart

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The golden glow was calling out to me, begging me to bask in it's warmth. I slowly crept towards it and suddenly it seemed to be the only other thing in existence. oh but was I wrong about that. I was looking at all of existence. it was beautiful, horrible, painful, and yet breathtaking. I saw every birth, I saw every death. I saw time it's self being written and unwritten. I saw The Doctors Life from Birth to Death. It HURT. it hurt more than anything ever would because it was all the pain, all the sorrow of the universe flashing before my eyes. But then I looked back to The Doctor's life. he lives! He lives on because I save him. I am the Bad Wolf. I am the Big Bad Wolf. it was time I set things right. I told the TARDIS to take me to The Doctor and she took me there. Before I walked out I said "I can't wait to see Barcelona."

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