Flora had turned to writing on loose paper's she had found in their desk and had moved down the floor in front of the window. She found comfort laying on her stomach as her attention flitted between the occlumency book and the paper, her quill being placed between her teeth as she read over the latest chapter. It was all familiar — too familiar — yet Flora couldn't stop herself from overanalyzing the words, rethinking them, and maybe finding something that could help her perform occlumency in her day-to-day life.

She understood it was tiring, but she also knew what it felt like to be overwhelmed. Maybe this would help.

At some point, Pansy's suitcase had appeared out of nowhere in the dorm, starling Flora. They always followed the owner, like a dog afraid of being lost, so when it did appear at the base of Pansy's bed, she knew to expect the ravenette at any moment. Still, she resumed her reading until that time came, and ending up finishing the last paragraph of chapter sixteen before she barged in.

"I don't care," she hissed to someone outside the door, away from Flora's view.

He groaned.


"Pansy, I can't just talk to him about it!" Flora raised a brow, only now noticing that Pansy couldn't see her laying on the floor. "You know their relationship is weird. Ever since after the Holiday break in fifth year! I can't change him."

"I'm not asking you to change him!" Pansy was angry. Her arms flailed around her as she tried to cross the point through the thick skull of any and all men. "Blaise, please. Try."


"Begging, huh?" He stepped forward and leaned against the door frame, a faint smirk on his lips.

Pansy crossed her arms and jutted her chin out. "I'm not begging. You're his best mate, you can convince him to. . . I don't know, relax a little."

"He's Draco."

Blaise stepped forward, arms going out to cradle the curves on Pansy's waist. She relaxed slightly and held a hand to her forehead.

Flora felt like she was seeing something she wasn't supposed to. Her eyes grew wide within seconds. Blaise and Pansy never showed any signs of caring for each other, but suddenly they're in a relationship? Did Pansy want Flora to know? Or was this supposed to be a filthy little secret? Either way, Flora felt like she invading their privacy. Even if it was her dorm.

"He doesn't listen to anyone but himself," Flora suddenly called out and hopped to her feet, wobbling slightly but eventually finding her stance.

Blaise and Pansy pulled away, Blaise going back to leaning against the doorway while Pansy advanced towards the limping girl. She just laid wrong, that's all. She didn't bother to say anything about them, or tell Pansy that she saw the small inkling of emotion between them. She just held onto her bed post and smiled.

"I tried talking to him," Pansy blurted out. "I did, and he listened, I guess. . . but he didn't understand."

"Pansy," Flora reached out and brushed a lock of the girls hair away from her shoulder. "Don't stress out about it. I'm okay, see! I'm okay, and Malfoy has some issues. We have issues."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2021 ⏰

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