"Granny stop talking about people!" Kari whisper yelled in her grandmother's ear, passing her on the way to the table to refurnish the chicken. 

Kari observed her grandmother and another mother of the church talk about this other old woman who was all up on the pastor. 

"But look Kari, that man is married!" She whisper yelled covering her hand over her mouth so you couldnt see her lips moving. 

"Granny, that's none of our business." Kari reminded her in a sing song voice. Lucy just scoffed because Kari was right. She straightened the creme colored hat that she paired with a cape shoulder top and button down detailed dress. 

Kari rolled her eyes at her childishness. She started to fix a plate for her and granny. She put fried chicken, macaroni and cheese, collard greens and yams on both their plates. She sat the plates at the table already occupied by her granny before she went back to get them some sweet tea.

"So how was the visit with Amir?" She asked randomly. Kari furrowed her eyebrows because she didnt even tell her granny that August visited her.

"How do you know about that?" Kari asked curiously.

"I've always like Amir you should keep him around. There's something there between you guys." She avoided the question making Kari squint at her because she still wanted to know how she knew about that. 

But her Granny had always been like that, she never left the house but she knew about everything that went on in the neighborhood and the church. She would get on the phone and talk to Amir's aunt Rosy and Grandma Annie and they would gossip all night. 

"I dont wanna talk about that Granny." Kari fidgeted with her fingers. 

Lucy looked up from her plate to see Kari looking into deep thought. 

"Whats going through that head of yours?" Lucy asked Kari snapping her out of her thoughts. Kari hesitated on not telling her, but her granny knew her like the back of her hand, she was going to continue to ask her until she spoke.

"Brandon and his family keep blowing me up." Kari confessed. It was truly bothering her.

"That son of a gun." She mumbled quickly but Kari heard her, she just laughed lowly.

"But dont worry about it sweetie he can't do anything about it he's in prison." She took a sip from her sweet tea.

"He's out granny." Kari said above a whisper. She stuffed her face with macoroni and cheese.

"Really," She stopped to think, she glanced over at Kari's worried expression. She grabbed her hand. " Try not to worry too much about it, it's in gods hands." She reminded her. Kari only shook her hands.

"Anyways, so back to Amir, why did it take so long for you guys to rekindle?" Lucy asked being nosey. 

"Well granny, did you forget that he left before momma died and didn't even call or write a note to ask how I was doing?" Kari told her.

"Well did you ask him why?" Lucy asked. She was just trying to understand both sides. She knew it was wrong of him to leave and not say anything, but she also knew of the things that were happening in that house he was staying in.

"No, I didn't. He didn't ask me." Kari rolled her neck. She continued eating like she hadn't in days, which was true. She had been working and studying nonstop and she just got too comfortable with not eating.

"I understand that. But I think you two should talk about these things. Y'all are best friends, you could learn from each other." She suggested. She dabbed the corners of her mouth with a napkin before she continued to finish eating her food. 

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