𝙹𝚞𝚋𝚒𝚕𝚎𝚎 𝙻𝚒𝚗𝚎

ابدأ من البداية

Wilbur had gone through the portal, immediately noticing Dream and Tommy walking across the cobblestone bridge. The blonde boy looked so upset, his tears evaporating due to the heat in the nether.

The spirit followed the two through the entire walk, following them through the portal. The place they walked into was a bare one, indeed. Water lapped at the sand on the beach, the leaves on the trees shaking.

Wilbur watched as Dream sat Tommy down, seeming to talk to him, before walking back over to the portal. He looked up at the grey spirit, before waltzing back into the portal. The ghost floated over to Tommy, who looked star-struck and confused.

Wilbur sat down next to him, patting his back. Tommy continued to stare at the beautiful blue water, his hands messing with the golden sand. The young boy looked down, his clear eyes glossy and glazed over, tears welling up.

"Hey, Tommy. It's okay. Me and Schlatt are gonna help you!"


"...Me and Schlatt are try-"

Tommy looked at Wilbur, his eyebrows creased. The blonde boy's face showing one of concern. Wilbur looked confused, tilting his head.

"Is something wrong?"

"Yeah. Why are you talking with Schlatt-"

Tommy flinched, jumping forward as the said ram-man grabbed his shoulders. He chuckled, staring at the distressed child. Wilbur covered his mouth, a clear smile behind it. Tommy's panicked breathing slowed a little, his expression turning into one of anger.

"You stupid fucking goat! Why are you here?!"

Schlatt gave him a smile, before a clearly fake frown appeared on his face. He crossed his legs, floating in midair.

"Aww, I'm sorry Tommy. I totally wasn't trying to help you get back into L'manberg."

He sighed, looking away from the minor. He covered his face, quietly fake crying. Wilbur's face showed an expression of concern, floating up next to Schlatt, hugging him.


"Of course!"

Tommy sighed, rolling his eyes.

"Fine. I guess I'm sorry.."

Tommy muttered. Schlatt looked at him, smiling. Wilbur peaked out from the crooked of Schlatt's neck, his eyes landing on the boy.

"You are?"

"Yeah.. I guess."

Schlatt smiled more, Wilbur smiling as well. Tommy groaned, rolling over onto his side.

"I'm tired. I need to make my own little tent."

Tommy got up, walking over to the trees, Wilbur watching him. There was silence, besides the sounds of the waves, before Schlatt coughed into his fist. Wilbur looked at him.

"You can stop hugging me now, Wilbur."

"Oh. Yeah. Sorry.."

The two ghosts moved away from each other. Schlatt moved over to a clear field, picking up and plucking multiple flowers. Wilbur moved over to Tommy, helping him collect supplies.

Not soon after, Tommy had a little tent set up with a chest containing all of his current belongings. Wilbur had built a little tent for him and Schlatt as well, considerable close to Tommy's home.

The sun had set, Tommy already off to bed. Wilbur sat on the beach, writing down in his journal, staring at the moonlight reflecting on the water. He turned his head, looking at Schlatt, who was moving towards him.

"I think I've told you this enough when we were alive, but you've got a nice ass, Wilbur."

Schlatt sat next to him, getting a laugh out of the grey ghost. The two men smiled at each other, Wilbur going back to staring at his journal.

"You might've. I don't remember much."

"So I've heard."


Wilbur chuckled sadly, staring at his semi-transparent hands. He sighed, before looking back at Schlatt.

"Schlatt? Can I ask you something?"

"I mean, you already did, but go ahead."

"Why do you remember everything?"

"What do you mean?"

"Why do you have memories. I only have good memories, but you seems you have good and bad memories. Why is that?"

Schlatt looked over at the water, before looking back at Wilbur.

"The easiest way I can explain it is to think about a murderer. Say they kill people by slicing their heads off. When he gets to hell, he would be punished by having his body sliced apart the same way he did to his victims. For me, I mentally damaged so many people and hurt so many that my punishment is that I have to remember everyone I hurt."

Wilbur stared at Schlatt, watching his soft brown eyes glaze over the ocean. He grabbed the ram-man's hands, pulling him into a hug. The grey spirit heard the other man softly sniffle, hugging him a little harder.

"It's okay, Schlatt..."

Wilbur whispered, pulling away from him. Schlatt stared into his eyes. The two men began to move away from each other, before the fusion of a man grabbed the spirit's desaturated yellow sweater, pulling him in, their semi-transparent lips together.

Wilbur's eyes widened. He didn't budge, stuck in shock. Schlatt moved away from him, disappearing quickly.

Wilbur shakily touched his lips, blinking. He closed his eyes, reveling in the feeling.

𝚅𝚎𝚛𝚋𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚖 (𝚂𝚌𝚑𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚝𝚋𝚞𝚛) (𝙳𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚖 𝚂𝙼𝙿)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن