Chapter 2

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Tommy walked a few paces behind The Guard, observing the corridors. They were the same bright white as his room, and there were a remarkable amount of turns. It was like a maze.

He had given up on trying to memorize the pathing from his room, instead staring into The Guard's back. They had wavy brown hair, and were tall, taller than Tommy, at least.

They wore a black protective vest, with the letters 'SHRF' printed on the back.

The halls were almost silent, the only noise coming from the pair's footsteps.

It was driving Tommy crazy.

How hard was it to start a conversation? A bit of small talk never hurt anyone, right?

Maybe The Guard was allergic to small talk.

"Oi. Where are we going?"

The Guard turned slightly, not breaking their stride. They made 'eye contact' with Tommy, before facing forwards again.

"The cafeteria."

Well, that raised a lot of questions. For example, why were they going to the cafeteria?

To eat, probably.

No harm in asking, though.


The Guard kept walking, leaving his question unanswered.


The two of them walked for a bit longer, before approaching a door. There was a strange panel on the right side of the door. A scanner, maybe?

The Guard walked up to the panel, before holding up a card to it. The door beeped, and it opened.

TommyInnit? More like GeniusInnit.

The Guard stood to the side and nodded to the door. Tommy took a few hesitant steps forward, before walking into the cafeteria proper.


It was filled with other hybrids, milling about and making conversation. It was almost like a school, due to the lunch tables and the trays that rested in front of a few of the seated hybrids.

The food looked shit though.

'Best Condition' my ass.

The Guard leaned against the wall, and, upon looking around, Tommy found a few other guards doing the same.

"Go mingle."

The Guard shooed him away, leaving him alone.

In a room full of people.

But Tommy wasn't socially anxious.

Not. At. All.

All he had to do was assert his dominance, or something like that.

He made to do just that, before hesitating. He was new here, right? Maybe he should get his bearings, before climbing to the top of the food chain.

Tommy decided to take a seat at one of the tables on the outskirts, and started to make a plan. What did one need for a successful prison break?

He hadn't watched enough prison films for this.

He was deep in planning-mode, when he heard a voice from beside him.


He turned to his left to see a boy, around his age, smiling at him.

Make conversation. Allies are important for successful prison breaks.

Weathered Walls || MCYT AU || DISCONTINUED!! Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin