Dead- Magnus

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1624- Córdoba, Spain

I was walking down the palace corridors when I saw the ambassador from Enlgand. Even though we were at war, we were still trying to end the conflict completely, or at the very minimum, a peace treaty.

"Ambassador Bane. Thank you so much for coming on such a short notice."

"My pleasure. Where would be a quiet place to talk. Preferably with your generals as well."

"The strategy room. That's where everyone is, and they're all waiting for us anyway." I turned around, and a few meters later I realized he hadn't moved.

"Well, aren't you coming?" I guess he needed an invitation. He quickly caught up with me, and together we made our way to the strategy room.

"How long must this war go on." I heard thought the dor. I opened the door, and the entire room silenced. They all bowed, and only rose when I told them to rise.

"What's the status on our ships? And everything else?"

A few minutes later, everyone was wondering who the man next to me was.

"And this is Ambassador Bane from England." The men went back to their planning and I left the room with the Ambassador.

"Where are you taking me?"

"I guess you'll find out when we get there." I smiled and started going up a flight of stairs. I stopped i the middle.

"This is where I hold most of my negotiations. So start negotiating."

After hours of negotiating, we both came to the conclusion that this would not be a go to sleep and it would be gone in the morning kind of thing. I led him to the only empty suite available, and left.

I entered the throne room, and both of my parent were in there, which was a rarity.

"We want you to marry an Enlgish man. This will ease tensions with the English, and might even stop the war. As the next Queen of Spain, you may pick any man you want that is high enough rank." She paused to give me time to decide.

"Any man?"

"Well, within reason of course."

"That ambassador is handsome." My father added.

"Charles!" My mother exclaimed. She looked over at me, and nodded. I smiled and dashed from the room. I calmly walked to his rooms, and knocked on the door.

"Come in." His voice called. I opened the door, and my eyes met the bare torso of one Ambassador Bane. I swiveled around, and exclaimed, "Put a shirt on!" I have to admit, he was shredded.

"Do you have a shirt on now?"

"Yes, I do." I turned around and he was indeed wearing a shirt. A navy colored shirt. My eyes widened.

"Never seen blue before have you?"

"Of course I have. I'm wearing it right now." I pointed to a blue flower on my dress.

"I've just never seen a blue shirt that rich in color."

"You must've come here for a reason. What is it?"

"To see if you wanted to come on a walk through the gardens."

"Of course, my lady. I would be honored."

Three Months Later

Magnus and I were engaged. He had finally proposed to me. Not in the most romantic way, but it happened.

I was walking to my room when someone grabbed me. I struggled against their grip, but they were too strong. Hours later, I woke up with no memory of anything. My memory came back to me in a rush, and an overwhelming feeling of hunger rushed over me. Somethign was thrown at me, and I chugged it down. I realized it was blood.

"Wanna know whta happened ot you?"

"Yes. Tell me everything."

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