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The sun was shining in the sky as Yashiro walked into the hospital. She looked up at the scanners on every corner, which checked the psycho pass of newcomers; including hers. Since no alarm rumbled and people around did not turn to her, she stopped in the middle of the entrance hall for a moment, and grabbed the collar of her black mid length coat with one hand to adjust it, only then did she move on.

A nurse greeted her with a pleasant smile and guided her through the hospital corridors, until they reached a room where a television was on in the corner of the ceiling. Yashiro stood in front of the window to look inside. The nurse was talking about the cerebrovascular accident, about how speech therapy no longer worked for the patient, yet she focused on the static image of the room.

When the nurse decided to leave her alone with the patient, Yashiro gulped and slowly entered the room, her steps almost drowning out the voices on the television, those that were speaking of the murder case that had taken place a month before, though in an entertaining way, as if they did not take it seriously or did not want to worry the viewers too much.

Yashiro turned to the thin, motionless figure sitting on the white bed that leaned slightly over the pillow, and stood at the foot of it to look into those empty hazel eyes that were still focused on the hologram. She decided to turn off the television, and soon the room was in deep silence. Only then did her voice echo like a whisper of death, "Hello, Kirino-san."

The sound of an old camera made its way into the room as soon as the hazel eyes were fixed on hers, and Yashiro found herself walking toward her to see the photo on the small screen; she had promised herself that she would at least have one with her. Rikako was still standing by the tree; she was very used to being the center of attention at the academy, and in order to maintain her reputation she always kept a smile in front of any camera; it was the first time, however, that her features looked solemnly relaxed. Yashiro thanked Touko, who grinned at her before leaving, "I'll let you know when it's ready!"

Yashiro gently pushed the wheelchair into the courtyard. The patient's long black hair fell wavy around her shoulders, but at no time did she turn to look at her. Yashiro stopped the wheelchair by a bench and sat in it. Kirino Touko was frozen, her eyes wide open and lost in the distance. Her lips trembled slightly unable to utter a single word. Her hands were clutching the armrests tightly. Yashiro forced herself to turn her head in her direction, closing her eyes for a few seconds.

She felt a strange desire to scream she was guilty, yet she knew that no one would believe her and instead, they would think that she just wanted to be noticed or to feel important. She would be willing to turn herself in to the MWPSB as Sasayama did, since she was not afraid of being caught but of being disappeared just like Touma. And she did not want to die in vain.

Yashiro moved her hand to the hidden holster on her belt and touched the Glock 19, the one she had become accustomed to carrying everywhere under her coat. Possession of weapons was forbidden throughout the country, yet since the Sibyl System was not capable of protecting citizens, she no longer felt safe walking the streets with morally defective people who can evade scanners like herself.

And she instantly pursed her lips; she realized that she could easily kill someone inside that building and there would be no one to stop her, for the scanners did not recognize her. It was as if the Sibyl System itself prompted her to do so. Was she losing her humanity? Was she fading away?

She had told Inspector Kougami that something was fading into him, though she did not exactly know what it was. He wanted to catch the criminal without going into darkness and coming out black, he wanted to be a real detective, even though he was beginning to believe he could not be the perfect agent he had dreamed of so much, for you cannot go in shadows without adapting your eyes. Sasayama knew it all along.

Psycho Pass: Apology Of An EndgameWhere stories live. Discover now